A friend has given me a PAP K III Plus, but I'm having problems finding any information about it, so I'd appreciate any help or advice. First of all, does anyone know what processor it has, and what the OS is, please? Is this handheld hardware compatible with any other machine, so that I can download that machine's games knowing that they will run on this handheld?

In particular, I'm trying to get MAME games running on it, but so far nothing has worked, and I don't even know if MAME is already included with the handheld, or if I have to download and install MAME myself, let alone what version of roms I should use with it, so I'd be grateful if anyone could help.

And is it possible to put other emulators on it? And recompiled versions of other open source games, such as Doom, and Cave Story? Is there a good website or central repository that has software that works on the PAP K III Plus?

Basically, help!

Thanks for any replies.