Hello all,

Ive been wrecking my brain about this.
In my opinion, MAMEUI 32 0.0117 is the best MAME emulator there is. The GUI is just very user friendly and is just simple. Its a shame they stopped making this version. But my only frustration with this version is that not all games work with this version. Case in point, Red Earth and SNK vs Capcom 1 don't work for this version but they do work on the latest versions of MAME. However, I don't like the other versions. Id like to continue using 0.0117.

Is there anyway I can get theses two ROMS or others that are not supported by this version, to work?

Ive tried using CMPro64 in hopes of scanning and rebuilding ROMS but its still not working. I have also tried reading all of Zorlons's and others suggestions but to no avail.

Help me Obe Wan Kenobi.