stupid google, you don't put a slash at the end of a link like that. (i had to remove the slash at the end due to it causing the page to load as if i had right-clicked view page source)

but yeah, i was browsing about randomly and wound up finding this article. i think we could all agree that noone actually likes doing homework, EVER. you guys wouldn't believe all the fighting and stuff my aunt and uncle had to do to try and make me struggle through all the homework years ago or maybe you would believe it since thats probably something a lot of people might say. (aunt and uncle/mom and dad, whatever applies)

not that i particularly care since i don't go to school anymore but what do you guys think of this? as said above, i definately know how homework could be stressful, put pressure on students, and lets not forget how it takes up any free time you might have. you get up, go to school from like 8am to 5-6pm then when you get home, guess what, now you have to do homework which could eat up anywhere from 2-3+ MORE hours and by the time your done with that theres little if ANY free time for anything else you might want to do. wanna play outside or something? sorry, too dark/late. then its off to bed and another day of the same except maybe weekends.