So I have searched for different settings. I have even messed around with some random settings.

Is there anyway to get perfect sound in this game?
Using Dolphin 4.0 Official release.

I tried DSP LLE and with xaudio2 I get the stutter on in game cutscenes. Same with Dsound. I do not get the stutter with OpenAL But if I do not add a latency the sound crackles all over the place, and I would rather play without audio lag lol.
Video emulation is almost perfect, I still experience slowdowns sometimes but its pretty rare.

Anything I can do here? Or should I go with the Wii version of the game?(if I do this, is the Wiimote required? I would prefer my 360 controller.)

System Specs:
i7-3610QM 2.3ghz
8gb ram
NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660M
Onboard NVIDIA HD soundcard(could this be my issue?)
WIndows 7 Home Premium x64