So I've been using this site for all my ROMs, without a problem. I grew up playing the SNES and PSX, but missed out on a bunch of games. Later on, I became a pretty big Metroid fan, and played every single GBA, GC, and Wii release. But I never had the chance to play the originals. I decided to start out with Super Metroid. I've been having incredible amounts of fun, and came across a room where I couldn't see Samus, and the camera was zoomed in on the sky. I ignored it, thinking I'll find a fix and come back to it later. I just got myself unstuck in Brinstar (NOT the n00b bridge, to clarify) after about 1 1/2 hours of screwing around. I get out of where I was, about to go to Norfair, and I get ANOTHER room like that.

Is it the ROM. or the emu, and how might I fix it? I'd really rather not start all over again on a new ROM. Please, I want to continue picking up this (very, VERY unfortunately) missed childhood memory. I've tried to find answers all over the place, and even I, a veteran in the art of 'Googling', cannot find anything on this topic.

I sincerely appreciate everyone. and anyone, who took the time to read this, whether they can provide help or not.

Sidenote: I used to use ROMs all the time between the ages of eight and fourteen. Then I stopped for some reason. Now I'm picking back up and I honestly feel like I'm going to be here awhile. So I'll see you guys around! Oh, and I'm sorry if I come off as a jerk. I'm just caught up in the emotional reaction of losing all my progress.