
it really sucks for my first post here to be a loud cry for help but this emulator really depresses me ... I've been trying for hours to fix this stupid issue am having and I hope u guys could help me out ...

ok ... so here we go

I downloaded JPSCP 2667 v 6.0 both the x64 and x32 versions ...

the game am trying to run is Corpse Party (USA) ....

the problem is FREAKIN AUDIO O_________O !! ... the background music just keep looping in a terribly annoying 5 sec loop that will literally drive u MAD ....

I downloaded the SonicStage for the cut scene music, but it didnt help fixing the in-game music

My PC specs are the following

Cpu : Intel core i7 3.06
gpu : 2x AMD HD RADEON 6970
RAM: 12 GB triple channel DDR3

so I dont think there is an issue with the hardware ... hope someone can help me out here :'|

being the hyper duck that I am .. such troubling issues just kills my hype ... n threatens me to vanishing into the ether