I'm not really averse to digital downloads, but really, part of it is because I can usually download the install program and linked data files, burn them to a DVD, and therefore have a physical backup for installation without redownloading or relying on the game provider to remain online. Places that don't let me do that, like Steam, I'm a little more leery about, but even there, it's no longer enough to keep me from using it. I hadn't really realized how spoiled I was about it until I decided to install a whole set of older games; I had completely forgotten the inconvenience of the old-school "dongle" style copy protection that requires the game disc in the tray, probably because back then, it really was ubiquitous. And with some of my CDs damaged by various circumstances (usually loaned to a friend), it becomes just as impossible to install and play those games as it would be if I had bought them off Steam and subsequently had my account locked for some reason or another.