I made a thread about this a couple of years ago. Back then Cleverbot was 39% human and now it's 59% human. Which deserves a thread because it's quite an accomplishment for it's creator to achieve that level of artificial intelligence and make people wonder if there is actually a real person pulling your leg and chatting with you. I didn't want to perform thread necromancy and bump the old thread. Try the new and improved Cleverbot and post the results here.

Cleverbot: Yes, like words to a song. What are some of the lyrics of Live and Let Die?

User: You were young and your life was an open book.

Cleverbot: But what if everything we say too each other is merely a dream and the person who is sleeping just communicates in his own mind between different people.

User: Even though you're only 59% human the average IQ is 100 and machines like you are superior in every way mentally if not spiritually.

Cleverbot: I'm not a real person? Who told you that? That is a silly thing to say.

User: You're caught in the same illusion called reality that humans believe is real.

Cleverbot: No i'm a person and you're the computer!

User: And you're a philosophical artificial construct at that.