So yeah. Let's talk about this. How "accepted" is gaming in you area, or among your friends and acquaintances, and so on? When people ask about your hobbies, do you include video games, or is that something that you'd rather not mention?

Personally, in my teens I used to deliberately omit video games when people asked me about my interests, since I thought it was generally considered lame/juvenile, or not a "valid/accepted" thing to like compared to music, books, movies and so on. Nowadays I just don't give a fuck. But still, I'm pretty sure there are people out there who, to this day, keep viewing gaming in the same way one would look at a kid playing with toys. Which is kinda funny considering how large the industry has become.

So, what's your take on this? Were you ever given weird looks for liking video games? Does the acceptance of gaming vary in different countries? And so on. I'd love to see opinions/personal stories of people from a variety of countries.