Quote Originally Posted by Gare View Post
About that certain revelation, it's not a plot-related thing, it just... comes out of left field. Kind of.

Anyway, shit's gonna get more complicated than this later on.

Also, I might've totally missed something, but I don't recall you ever checking the bathroom in the bar. It's nothing major, but stuff happens if you wash your face before each nightmare sequence.

Edit: The audio's perfect this time, by the way. And yes, there is a "third option", though I haven't really bothered to look up how you go about unlocking it.
I have. The walls bleed for a moment and then the Pharos knockoff starts taunting you while a brief image of a monster flashes.

Quote Originally Posted by Luffy
if you get "love is over" (game over) he DOES end up in a duffle bag, theres a cutscene for it, and i mean lose ALL your continues, also thank you for the tips on the traps and pillows, very handy, though i ted to let the sheep live for lols and supposedly higher score
I'll have to attempt wasting all my extra lives at some point to see this.