I found this on a site talking about Bin Laden. It was from that movie coming out called "Where in the world is Osama Bin Laden"
Looks to be an interesting movie, even if it is just a media stunt or whatever. It will be entertaining.
Anyways, I saw this person's post a this site with these "facts" he had, and as I'm too lazy/don't care enough to look them up, I was curious if any of you agree on these things, disagree or just something we can discuss. I'm aware this is a very old topic and I don't mean to bring the tragedy up again, but It was interesting to me and I'd like to discuss people's beliefs on it as I really never have before. So, please don't flame, and keep this under hand.

This is what the guy had posted. I don't know if they are facts or just normal conspiracies. I am interested either way though, so discuss after you read this.

Again, this isn't MY facts.

"Here we are over 5 years later, and the range of opinions here is quite depressing given what's available to us all.

The facts are available to each of us... Enough facts to bury you in information. We're talking real information here, not opinion.

There facts demonstrate without a doubt the following:

- OBL is not wanted by the US government.

- He has never been charged w/ any actions related to 9/11

- They have closed the investigation on him.

- We flew all of his relatives out of the U.S. in the days immediately after 9/11

- Our government received literally hundreds of leads before 9/11, many from concerned citizens, many from government employees, many from intelligence from dozens of other nations. They were ingored.

- Many of the supposed hijackers trained at US government military institutions. LOOK IT UP.

- NONE of the hijackers' names appeared on any of the 4 flight manifests. NONE of them had tickets...

- Two of the "hijackers" rented an apartment from an FBI agent.

- The hijackers received failing/poor marks in their flight training, consisting of takeoffs/landings of tiny single engine planes... Yet they were able to pilot 757's at hundreds of miles per hour with pinpoint accuracy.

- Three buildings collapsed at the speed of gravity on 9/11, through the path of greatest resistance, violating the laws of physics.

- One of those buildings wasn't hit by a plane, and its leaseholer (Larry Silverstein) admitted in a documentary about 9/11 that he odered its implosion.

- Hundreds of people reported explosions going off around them in the towers while they were evacuating.

- A plane with a width of 145 feet and a height of 45 feet made a 16 foot diameter hole in the side of the Pentagon

- On average roughly 100 off-course and/or non-responsive planes a year are intercepted by our military

- On 9/11 for the first time in history, our military was unable to intercept a plane.

- Make that 4 planes!

- On Bush's orders, the steel from the building -- THE EVIDENCE -- from the biggest crime scene in US history was shipped away before it could be analyzed.

- Bush/Cheney refused to be interviewed by the 9/11 Commission unless they could be interviewed together, and with no recordings made, and with no notes taken by their questioners.

Our entire way of life has changed because of the above truths.

It goes on and on people. These are all FACTS. Look them up ... Wake up!"

That was the end of their comment.

What do you all think of this individuals "facts"?