Quote Originally Posted by Cosmic View Post
It really is. I got 'Suffer' a few months ago and whilst a good album I'm not into it as much as 'No Control', which I bought on a whim without even hearing any tracks beforehand. Definitely something special about that record.

Yeah, I'm not sure quite what it is about Milo Goes to College but it's stuck with me ever since I first heard it at the age of fourteen (back then I was kind of emo and liked listening to 'Hope' a lot ). It was basically my first "proper" punk record and I've only grown to love it more since then.
I consider Suffer to be quite overrated, actually. Then, I think The Empire Strikes First (second most recent one, not sure how into them you are) is one of their best albums so what do I know? New Maps of Hell (most recent) was a huge disappointment.

I think my main problem with MGTC (I do like it though) is that I listened to it at a bad time. I'm sure I would love it now, had I only discovered the Descendents a few years earlier. =/