i has a really older version of neorage (somethingh of '99) on my old windows xp,and not much games.
i've downloaded last version of neorage x on this site,the i've beginned to download thecomplete set.
the problem is this:the emulator doesnt' recognize any roms,nothingh absolute.
i've setted the directory so many times,whit no results.then i've thinked tu put the older roms in the same folder of complete set .....and they works!!!
my question is why are not recognized the romset?i've unzipped the complete pack,but noting;
my only suspect is the emulator doe'snt rec0gnize the roms 'cause they have not the complete extended name of the game (like mine old roms),but i'm really frustrated about.
so.....what can i do?

and exscuse for my really bad english