Me,it was my dad,he was like a crazy gamer,he used to play a lot of video games when I was a kid
and then he stopped doing this when he turned like 41-42 (two years ago) but not completely
because occasionally he plays with me Call of duty.

Command & Conquer (the very first/old one) was his most favourite game when I was a kid,I used to watch
him a lot playing this game,and then when he completed and finished it he let me play it and he taught me
how to play the game and I got addicted.

tbh,When I first bought my ps3,I didn't like the games that it has,I had a hard time getting used to them
Because of all the "fancy" graphics it felt different,at first I'd always say "Is this..a game or a movie? :/"

But now I like playing those. Still prefer the old ones.

What about you?