The two Swordsman Left the tavern only to find...
...They may be in above their heads. Nordleof, the substantially stronger of the two looks to his right. He asks Lexingthrop, the second swordsman if supplies be needed or any necessities short, prior to this upcoming journey.
It was their plan to seek and destroy not only the horrid black king Rade'lle, but any and all followers to his wicked cult. The party of only two then cast aside any uncertainties and head west....
once they had arrived in the town called Mourningstar they were greeted by an old man who clamied he knew where king Rade'lle is suposedly hiding... but little did they know....
..that many of the townspeople of Mourningstar were addicted to the psychedelic mushrooms that Rade'lle's cult provided whenever they passed through to recruit new followers. The old man they had accosted was fully imbibed by the effects, and actually believed that he was currently speaking to....
...Lord and war chief of the Halberdin armies from the great north, Testicles. Fearful of his great mace, he ran for dear life. Incidentally, the town of Mourningstar lay atop a cliff and he fell to his death. Sadly, no information as to the whereabouts of Rade'lle were learned that day. It was only a night later that our heroes again in search, took to the long untrodden trails of...
.... Granthor wich was a Fearsome Forrest not many Dared to Travel, with Weapons in hand the Two Companions Crept into the Forrest following what they believed was a trail through this Dreadful place, after several hours they came upon a Small Clearing and sat down for a bit of a rest, when Suddenly Nordleof felt a sharp sting on the back of his neck, upon inspection he Swatted off a Rather Peculiar Scorpion ... The Peculiar Scorpion appeared to change size depending on emotion. The Peculiar Scorpion grew to enormous sizes because of its rage, but Nordleof killed it by cutting off its tail. He then proceeded to make a cake with garnishes such as sediment shaped sediment.
Which would have been fine except that the reanimated corpse of the drug addicted old man came howling from the edge of a nearby glade, and as he approached them, interjected painfully, pronouncing each syllable with guttural succinctness: "Sediment shaped sediment must never be used as a garnish, on cake prepared in Granthor, and if anyone ever attempts it, the most evil cake god will bring retribution from the heavens down on you." Nordleof did not heed his warning, as he believed that the man was insane, trying to steal his sediment shaped sediment cake goodness. As soon as he ate it though, Nordleof was transformed into a hideous monster, a demon of monstrous porportions, and know he must find the most well known witch in the land, Patrilla Von Barabsof, to find a cure.... , This Particular Cure was only Known By the Satin Monks Whom Resided there and Served this Witch, these monks Were known For thier Peculiar Worship of a long Lost Miniature Space Hamster whom saved thier Fore fathers Many Years Ago, weather it was The Mushrooms or the Actual Want to Refrain from his Evil Deeds the Old man Decided to Join them in thier Quest, "My Real Name Is Dwindle Foreskeen and I believe my magic Will Aid you." What he was thinking was "I'll kill this monster as soon as he finds out that I have killed all the monks, making sure he doesn't survive." Nordleof, who could only speak in grunts, agreed. What neither of them knew, is that there was one survivor, a child of 10 years of age, but knew the cure through ancient manuscripts. This child, named Sild Nopetr, had a vision of these travelers, and set out to meet them at the town of half elves, Mogat.....
They arrived in Mogat to find it just as wild and resplendent as the legends had foretold it to be, with wide cobblestone avenues, purple coral spires and lots of naked....
Children, as far as the eye could see, new and old small and big, and one big round. . .