Quote Originally Posted by sh51 View Post
I am looking for a game I used to play when I was a child but I don't know what is the title.
I'm not sure of the console, but maybe it is on MAME.

In the game, you control a cyborg which when he kills an enemy can collect some kind of suitcase in which there is letter such Beta or Alpha or something of that kind. And when you collect three of them and depending on the combination you have made, your cyborg receive a weapon module floating above him. And if you use the same combination of letters twice, your cyborg receive a powerful flame launcher.
The game is set in a futuristic place where you fight robots or androids.
These are the only thing I can recall

Does anyone know the title of this game?
I already answered this in an older post. It's a Japanese game for the Famicom(Japanese equivalent to the NES). It is Tokkyuu Shirei Solbrain. They released it as Shatterhand outside Japan with different graphics.