I normally have no problems extracting playstation games files.however I download World's scariest police chases for PS1 and when I tried to extract the zip file(using zipgenius which is FREE) It said "Deflate64 method not supported,yet.What does this mean?The game came in a zip file.I also went to rarlabs.com to try to find another program to extract files but everything on there cost money.All it says is trial.I dont want nothing where I gotta pay money to extract files.That makes no sense.
Can somebody please tell me how to fix this problem or give me a program thats FREE and used to extract game files

here's whats on the rarlabs pageoftware name User interface License Size
WinRAR 3.70 Graphic and command line Trial 1178 KB
RAR 3.60 for Pocket PC Graphic only Free 259 KB
RAR 3.70 for Linux Command line only Trial 757 KB
RAR 3.70 for FreeBSD Command line only Trial 729 KB
RAR 3.70 for Mac OS X Command line only Trial 606 KB
RAR 3.70 for MS DOS <info> Command line only Trial 646 KB
WinRAR on CNet site Graphic and command line Trial
WinRAR interface themes Graphic only Free

nothing but trials and the ones that says free isnt even a program