Quote Originally Posted by Sprung
For the record, I don't take into consideration whether anyone 'minds' getting a warning.
I think you misunderstood me (or maybe its just because I didn't word it the right way). I didn't mean that you should be taking consideration about the warnings you give out, rather, the person who links to a site others may find inappropiate because they don't use the same software. Hence why I listed the ones I use, so I wouldn't know if I'm getting virus or not. So I wouldn't know which place I link to will be good for you or not, that's why I told you not to blame your problem on me. I wouldn't bother making it a habit to inform people "this and that" may not be an appropiate place if you don't use XYZ sofware.

And the reason I didn't link DevArt originally was because its rather slow to load up for most people I've known (including the ones who actually have an account there). Pardon me for caring about your bandwidth. They too, btw have subjective material if you bother to look around. But whatever, let's not hold any grudges. I came here to lmao dammit.