View Poll Results: What is your horoscope sign ?

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  • Aries 03/21 - 04/19

    4 8.70%
  • Tauros 04 / 20 - 05 /20

    3 6.52%
  • Gemini 05/21 - 06/21

    1 2.17%
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22

    2 4.35%
  • Leo 07/23 - 08/22

    3 6.52%
  • Virgo 08/23 - 09/22

    4 8.70%
  • Libra 09 /23 - 10/22

    4 8.70%
  • Scorpio 10/23 - 11/21

    6 13.04%
  • Sagittarius 11/22 - 12/21

    5 10.87%
  • Capricorn 12/22 - 01/19

    2 4.35%
  • Aquarius 1/20 - 02/18

    5 10.87%
  • Pisces 02/19 - 03/20

    6 13.04%
  • You don't know ?

    1 2.17%
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Thread: What is your horoscope ?

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    I'm an Aries. April 17th.

  2. #32
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    Originally posted by Crzy14a
    im an Aquarius,Feb 17th.and funny thing is i was Drowned when i was 5 maybe thats why im afraid to Swim lol. whats the meaning thing for Aquarius?and on the Chinses Zodiac thing i cant remember what i was.
    I know what you mean by "drowned," but just to let you know... drowning implies death. You're very much alive to me.

    My Chinese Zodiac is the dragon.

  3. #33
    bLaCkdRagOnslUv Guest


    Humm does anyone want me to post the meaning of there Zodiac Sign ? I'll be glad to . Or you can always find it yourself...

    I m a Snake ... Hummm.. intersting...

  4. #34
    Crzy14a Guest


    yeah i would love to here my Zodiac sign desdription.and if possible the Chinese Zodiac too.O and Dementia lets put it this way i was DROWNING and lived through it.

  5. #35
    trelimb Guest


    Originally posted by Crzy14a
    im an Aquarius,Feb 17th.and funny thing is i was Drowned when i was 5 maybe thats why im afraid to Swim lol. whats the meaning thing for Aquarius?and on the Chinses Zodiac thing i cant remember what i was.
    Well, I had a friend that was an aquarius. He always said that aquarius stood for a**h****. I never understood why he wanted people to think that of himself but that's what he said. I think in his case it just meant "liar".
    Here's a source that's a little more reliable than him.

    January 21 - February 19

    * Friendly and Humanitarian
    * Honest and Loyal
    * Original and Inventive
    * Independent and Intellectual

    The darker side....
    * Intractable and Contrary
    * Perverse and Unpredictable
    * Unemotional and Detached
    * Fighting for Causes

    LIKES DISLIKES General Info

    * Dreaming and Planning for the Future
    * Thinking of the Past
    * Good Companions
    * Having Fun

    * Full of Air Promises
    * Excessive Loneliness
    * The Ordinary
    * Imitations
    * Idealistic

    Color: Brown
    Birthstone: Black Onyx
    Rules: legs from knees to ankles and the circulation of blood
    Ruling Planet: Saturn

  6. #36
    Crzy14a Guest


    whoa thats a lot of reading well not really some of that stuff sounds just like me but most of the BAD is FALSe but some is true.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    saggitarius.. december 19.. good stuff.. very accurate, i'm inaccurate, and i hate the winter.. who would've thought..

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
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    Aries Traits

    Adventurous and energetic
    Pioneering and courageous
    Enthusiastic and confident
    Dynamic and quick-witted

    On the dark side...

    Selfish and quick-tempered
    Impulsive and impatient
    Foolhardy and daredevil

    The spring equinox, March 21, is the beginning of the new zodiacal year and Aries, the first sign, is therefore that of new beginnings. The young ram is adventurous, ambitious, impulsive, enthusiastic and full of energy. The Arian is a pioneer both in thought and action, very open to new ideas and a lover of freedom. They welcome challenges and will not be diverted from their purpose except by their own impatience, which will surface if they don't get quick results.

    Aries subjects are courageous leaders with a genuine concern for those they command, being responsible people, it is rare that they will use their subordinates to obtain their own objectives as leaders, but occasionally it does happen. They do not make very good followers because they are too "take charge". They may be unwilling to obey or submit to directions for which they can see no reason, or with which they disagree. They are much concerned with self, both positively and negatively - self-reliant but also self centered (sometimes) and concerned with their own personal advancement and physical satisfaction. Their immense energy makes them aggressive and restless, argumentative occasionally, headstrong, quick tempered, easily offended and capable of holding grudges if they feel themselves affronted.

    As the first sign in the zodiac, you, as an Arian (as you are referred to), is to simply "get something started and lead the way". The Sun in this zodiac position gives your will free rein to express itself. You could be doing this in the form of some leadership role, or by forcing others to look at themselves in a new way. You can accomplish this by knowingly carrying out a deliberate act in the name of some cause that moves you. A negative effect of this sun sign is that you could sometimes unknowingly make it hard for others to relate to you, as you really are.

    In your personal relationships Arians are frank, direct and candid, and make enthusiastic and generous friends. You are liable to have a high sex drive and make passionate but fastidious lovers. There is, however, a negative side to your associations with other people. You can easily be irritated by slowness or moderation in your companions and, though yourselves sensitive, ride roughshod over the sensitivities of others. The intensity of your sexual urges can drive you to promiscuity and a Don Juan-like counting of conquests of the opposite sex. It can also trick you into early unwise marriage which may end disastrously. Arians are highly devoted to their children, even to the point of laying down their own lives, so that they might live. You will not find a more defensive and loving parent in all the zodiac.

    It is preferable to be aware of your pioneering spirit and not disregard it. For in acknowledging it you not only enjoy life more, but you avoid being pushed around by others. Your nature is usually push or be pushed, with little middle ground. This can at times be objectionable to others, but you must have the freedom to act, rather then just thinking about it, getting pent-up in the process. At all costs you need to avoid negative emotions such as resentment, regret and self-pity, for they would deny you what is essential to your nature: straightforwardness.

    Mentally Arians are intellectual and objective, but can be in rare situations bigoted and extremist in religion and politics. They are good champions of lost causes and last-ditch resistance. They are quick-witted but sometimes foolhardy and over optimistic, lacking thoroughness and the ability to evaluate difficulties in the undertakings into which they often rush impulsively. The great need of Aries natives is to exercise an iron self-control, to discipline the qualities and tendencies of their character to the advantage, not the detriment, of the society in which they move.

    As an Arian, you like a challenge that will stir you to action. This challenge may just be frustration; or at a more controlled level, you may have clear direction and know what or whom you're fighting for. If your direction is not clear, then ask yourself and listen to your inner voice. You will come up with an answer. An Arian without a direction in which to go, or a without a cause to fight for, would be against your nature and make you more a "sheep" then a ram!

    Arian, do not be afraid to be forceful, for this is the very core of your nature. If you feel fear in your heart, then look for a history of negative events in you personal history, such as violence or abuse from others. Being fearful may also indicate a household in childhood that negated independence and personal initiative in you. This could have inhibited your natural urge to go forward into life as the leader and champion you were born to be. Conversely, such bad influences could also have led you to be overly forceful, or to be unsympathetic to your own need and sensitivity.

    You make good athletes and climbers, doctors, explorers (of new ideas as well as uncharted territory, the latter in these days including adventuring into outer space), soldiers, sailors and airmen, and leaders, though awkward subordinates, in industry and politics.

    Much as you are the Ram, there is still the little lamb in you, which means that at times you would attain your goals more easily by gently giving in without resistance to the demands of a given social situation, rather than getting your horns entangled in something larger and more powerful than yourself. This is a talent akin to knowing the difference between what you can change, and what you cannot. This of course takes patience, the acquiring of which is definitely your greatest achievement, along with your sense of your own inner softness.

    Possible Health Concerns...

    Aries governs the head and brain, and Arians are said to be prone to headaches, particularly migraines, sunstroke, neuralgia and depression. Indigestion and nervous disorders are also threats to you, and your rashness, impetuosity and wholesale physical commitment make you liable to accidents and physical injuries.

    You like extremes. Physical, emotional and mental, and benefit profoundly by experiencing them; but if your extremism goes too far beyond social acceptability, then expect to be extremely lonely.

    Coming in first
    Championing Causes
    Waiting Around
    Admitting Failure
    No opposition
    Other peoples advice


    As with all sun signs, we all have unique traits to our personalities. When these traits are suppressed, or unrealized, problems will arise. However, with astrology we can examine the problem and assess the proper solution based on the sun sign characteristics. As an Arian you may see things below that really strike home. Try the solution, you most likely will be amazed at the results. If you find yourself on the receiving end of the negatives below, it is because you are failing to express the positive.

    PROBLEM: Projects that come to nothing. Partnerships full of conflict and argument.
    SOLUTION: See your role as the "person with ideas" then, work on inspiring others to carry them out. Develop a higher capacity to "listen" and not speak.

    PROBLEM: Lacking real coherence and direction. Failing to contemplate, only pretending to be decisive.
    SOLUTION: What springs from your actions is only a reflection of your heart. Soul search and resolve some personal issues you may have buried.

    PROBLEM: Being deserted by others because they cannot make you notice them and their feelings in any other way.
    SOLUTION: If you truly have a point, if you don't they won't. Examine your attitude and put yourself in their shoes.

    PROBLEM: Always tripping over yourself, inviting conflict and harsh treatment. Getting deflated.
    SOLUTION: Learn the art of looking before you leap. Which means first finding out what it is you wish to make happen first, then act.

    Mars is my governing planet it seems....

    The color of choice for Aries is RED

    Your starstone is the precious Diamond. The diamond is considered the greatest of stones, revered throughout the ages for its great beauty, and strength, and also for its powerful positive spiritual and physical influences. The diamond is said to enhance the wearer with charm and beauty. Physically it strengthens the kidneys and reproductive organs and gives protection in severe disease. The ancient Romans believed that the diamond, when worn on the left arm, next to the skin, would give the wearer bravery and daring. During the Middle Ages Queen Elizabeth I was given a diamond to ward off the plague.

    my chinese zodiac is the Tiger

    TIGER: You are sensitive, emotional, and capable of great love. However, you have a tendency to get carried away and be stubborn about what you think is right; often seen as a "Hothead" or rebel. Your sign shows you would be excellent as a boss, explorer, race car driver, or matador. if you have bothered reading all this you deserve a cookie *gives whoever actually read all this a cookie*

  9. #39
    IceBlasphemy Guest


    Aquarius. ICEblasphemy.....

  10. #40
    bLaCkdRagOnslUv Guest

    Red face Aries

    Aries is the first Sign of the Zodiac, and that's pretty much how those born under this Sign see themselves: first. Arians are the leaders of the pack, first in line to get things going. Whether or not everything gets done is another question altogether, for Arians far prefer to initiate than to complete. Do you have a project needing a kick-start? Call an Aries, by all means. The leadership displayed by Arians is most impressive, so don't be surprised if they can rally the troops against seemingly insurmountable odds -- they have that kind of personal magnetism. Arians don't shy away from new ground, either. Those born under this Sign are often called the pioneers of the Zodiac, and it's their fearless trek into the unknown which often wins the day. Arians are a bundle of energy and dynamism and the Pied Piper of their people. The dawning of a new day, and all its possibilities, is pure bliss to an Arian.

    It's the Ram which symbolizes Aries, and that's both good and bad news. Impulsive Arians (and there are more than a few) might be tempted to ram their ideas down someone else's throat. If things get done for the greater good, that might even be okay. It's those times when an idea is force-fed by an Arian for no apparent reason that we wish this Sign's symbol were a more subdued creature. No go, since these folks are blunt and to the point. Along with those qualities comes the Arian's sheer force of being which can accomplish a great deal. Much of this drive to the finish line has to do with the Cardinal Quality assigned to Arians. Cardinal Signs love to get things going, and Arians exemplify this better than the rest.

    Arians are ruled by the Planet Mars. Taking a peek at Roman mythology, we find that Mars was the God of War. Our man Mars was unafraid to do battle, and much the same can be said for Arians. These folks are bold, aggressive and courageous. They can summon up the inner strength required to take on most anyone, and they'll probably win. Arians do not lack energy or vitality, and they can stay in the game longer than most anyone else. Now that's a winning edge. Rams are also, for the most part, independent and well aware of their own interests in a given situation. This sometimes myopic view may not be for everyone, but it does help Arians get things going. Further, their competitive natures ensure that they will play the game with zeal and vigor. At times, their approach may be construed as arrogant and domineering, but it takes a lot of focus to be a leader (or so an Arian would say). Sadly, the Arian won't usually be around for the final victory (defeat? never). These folks will more than likely have bolted to the next project before the first one is done.

    The Element associated with Aries is Fire. Think action, enthusiasm and a burning desire to play the game. Arians love physicality, so they won't sit on the sidelines for long, if at all. They'll jump into the fray full force and will contribute much in the process. Talk about eager beavers! Sure, some of their decisions may later prove to have been hasty, but you'll never find an Arian who regretted taking a shot. Making things happen is what it's all about to these folks. Arians are also unafraid of stepping onto new terrain. The challenge inherent in taking on the unknown is heaven on Earth for Rams. Sure, they may appear arrogant when they take on the world, but they'll be quick to tell you it's the only way to go. While a common Arian refrain might well be 'me first,' there's no point in arguing with them since, in their minds, they are first. Is this unbridled ego? Maybe, but that might be what it takes to blaze a new trail. Oh, and on the subject of arguing, it's the Ram who will have the last word, so save your breath.

    The great strength of the Aries-born is in their initiative, courage and determination. These folks love to get things going and are fearless along the way. Their dynamism and competitive spirit add considerably to the projects which they undertake.

    You & Your Aries:
    Do's of Seduction

    Step right up and catch your Aries' eye. Let them notice what a prize you are -- and then let them try to win you.
    Take a bold approach -- your Aries will appreciate your forwardness as well as your independent spirit.
    Be up for anything, whether it's a midnight rendezvous at the beach or a ride on whitewater rapids.
    Brace yourself: An Aries will surprise you no matter what you're ready for. Every day is a different adventure.
    Get ready to enjoy an always energetic and ever-so-romantic courtship.
    Expect fun: Your Aries will carry you away in a flurry of bouquets, balloons and little treats you could never expect.
    Learn to lay back and enjoy, as your Aries lover will sweep you up in a whirlwind of passion.
    Take pride in your Aries' irrepressible spirit .
    Bask in your Ram's radiance -- they will be the winner of the race, the life of the party or the star of your own private, personal show.

    You & Your Aries:
    Don'ts of Seduction

    Never cling too tightly or chase too hard. Your Aries will quickly take steps to preserve their freedom.
    Don't be too critical of them or their friends.
    Avoid being overly critical -- they will get hurt and leap to defend. Don't hold a grudge, either.
    Don't try to get some extra attention by flirting with others or by bringing up past flings. These tricks will surely backfire with an Aries, who would prefer that you leave the past where it belongs and give your present relationship full attention.
    Don't decide you are not in the mood once you lure your Aries into your arms. Your Aries will take it to mean you don't want them any more, even if this is opposite of the truth.
    Try to dampen your Aries' spirit or quench that zest for life. Your partner, as well as your relationship, will be hurt. High spirits and exuberance are part and parcel of the Ram's personality.

  11. #41
    bLaCkdRagOnslUv Guest

    Default Taurus

    Taurus, the second Sign of the Zodiac, is all about reward. Unlike the Arian's love of the game, Taureans love the rewards of the game. Think physical pleasures and material goods, for those born under this Sign revel in delicious excess. They are also a tactile lot, enjoying a tender, even sensual, touch. Taureans adore comfort and like being surrounded by pleasing, soothing things. Along these lines, they also favor a good meal and a fine wine. The good life in all its guises, whether it's the arts or art of their own making (yes, these folks are artistic as well), is heaven on Earth to the Taurean-born.

    It's the Bull which is the Taurean's mascot, and along with that comes the expectation that these folks are bull-headed and stubborn. Yes, they are. Hey, this Sign has a Fixed Quality attached to it after all, so expect that things will occasionally grind to a halt. That said, Taureans don't start out with the intention of getting stuck. They simply want to get things done, and it's that steady, dogged persistence which winds up being viewed as stubbornness. Bulls are actually among the most practical and reliable members of the Zodiac, and they are happy to plod along, as it were, in pursuit of their goals. The good news for Bulls is that once they get to the finish line, they'll swaddle themselves in material goods. A self-indulgent beast? Perhaps, but if you toiled as laboriously as these folks do, you'd need some goodies, too.

    Taurus is ruled by the Planet Venus, a lovely gal who didn't deny herself many things. In ancient Roman mythology, Venus was the Goddess of Love, Beauty and Pleasure, and Taureans have pretty much taken up where she left off. Bulls are fond of all things pretty, whether it's in their home, at a museum or on the stage. Life as one sweet pas de deux is how the Taurean-born like it. To onlookers, this may look like so much materialism and blessed excess, but Bulls really aren't interested in living without beauty in their lives. Beauty to the Bull also comes in the way of a happy home life, one which includes a partner and a stable relationship.

    Taureans value harmony in their personal lives, so they'll work hard on keeping their mate happy. The Bull's penchant for sensual pleasures, of course, can only help things along! Bulls can also be the sappiest of sentimentalists. Will all this overweening attention to their mate turn a Bull into a possessive mess? Probably not, although these folks do have to manage their tendency to latch on a bit tight. At the end of the day, however, the Taurean-born are true romantics and loyal to the core.

    The Element associated with Taurus is Earth. No pie-in-the-sky for these practical folks, since they'd much rather be on terra firma. Bulls tend toward conservatism, and this is often seen in their day-to-day behavior. No far-out schemes (that's Air) or shrieking ultimatums (more like Fire) here. Taureans far prefer to take each day slowly and steadily and work toward their ultimate goal. Along these lines, those born under this Sign are happy to stick with their projects until they have reached a successful conclusion. They are also extremely patient and dependable along the way. Does that sound earthy enough? The only kink in this well-oiled chain is the heckler in the gallery that tries to upbraid the Bull. These folks may not have a hair-trigger temper, but it's short enough. Bulls in a hissy fit can get pretty argumentative, but eventually they'll calm down and come back to center, since these folks would much rather be Zen. The Earth in this Sign does tend to act as a balancing mechanism so that things never get truly out of hand. For every one person who considers the Bull a pain, there are two who will say 'No way!' and happily take the Taurean's gentle charms any day.

    Seeing as how Bulls are generally strong and well-built, it's no surprise that these folks enjoy testing their strength on the field of play. Expect to find a Bull engaged in a spirited game of hoops or mountain climbing. Hiking is also a favorite pastime, since it keeps Taureans close to their beloved earth. Indoor adventures are also favored by Bulls, which is why the opera or ballet is right up a Taurean's alley. When it comes to love, the Taurus-born are devoted, romantic and somewhat possessive. Their sensual nature has a way of erasing any mistakes! Since Taurus rules the neck and throat, Bulls would be wise to keep a silky scarf at hand, ideally in a warm (and soothing) earth tone.

    Seeing as how Bulls are generally strong and well-built, it's no surprise that these folks enjoy testing their strength on the field of play. Expect to find a Bull engaged in a spirited game of hoops or mountain climbing. Hiking is also a favorite pastime, since it keeps Taureans close to their beloved earth. Indoor adventures are also favored by Bulls, which is why the opera or ballet is right up a Taurean's alley. When it comes to love, the Taurus-born are devoted, romantic and somewhat possessive. Their sensual nature has a way of erasing any mistakes! Since Taurus rules the neck and throat, Bulls would be wise to keep a silky scarf at hand, ideally in a warm (and soothing) earth tone.

    The great strength of the Taurean-born is in their stability, loyalty and dogged determination. Bulls want to get the job done, and they will. What better way to get the riches they so fervently crave?

    You & your Taurus

    Do's of Seduction

    Cook your Taurus their favorite meal -- complete with candlelight and romantic music.
    Take the time to make it special -- they will appreciate the good food, gorgeous setting and great company.
    Be ready to share quality time with your Taurus, cuddling will always be a favorite.
    Expect return support -- this Sign will always be there for you when you need them, with open arms and an open heart.
    Be supportive of their career choices and the day-to-day work that they do.
    Expect them to be generous -- they will strive to provide the two of you with the fruits of labor. Taurus loves the finer things in life, and they believe that a partner should share in them.
    Take every opportunity to give subtle but sincere compliments. Your Taurus will accept and appreciate the confidence boost.
    Be patient, loving and always encouraging as your Taurus builds up steam. They will eventually show you how completely fulfilling a relationship can be.

    You & Your Taurus:
    Don'ts of Seduction

    Never break a date or not be at home at the hour your Taurus is supposed to call.
    Don't be unpredictable -- this Sign will take your action to heart. Taurus is dependable, and expect a partner to be equally so.
    Try not to rush, pull or push a Taurus into making a decision -- you'll wear yourself out and irritate them in the process.
    Never be impatient -- Taurus will absolutely take their time.
    Avoid being stubborn -- once a Taurus' mind is made up, don't try to change it. This Sign is known for being utterly implacable once they form a opinion.
    Don't be wishy-washy -- If you aren't sure you want a serious relationship, don't start one with a Taurus.
    Try not to question your relationship -- relationships are very important to the Bull, and once they commit, they stay committed.
    Never overspend and jeopardize financial stability.
    Don't be too controlling of finances -- your Taurus may take total control of the checkbook to ensure that things stay within the budget.

  12. #42
    bLaCkdRagOnslUv Guest

    Default Gemini

    Gemini is the third Sign of the Zodiac, and those born under this Sign will be quick to tell you so. That's because they love to talk! It's not just idle chatter with these folks, either. The driving force behind a Gemini's conversation is their mind. The Gemini-born are intellectually inclined, forever probing people and places in search of information. The more information a Gemini collects, the better. Sharing that information later on with those they love is also a lot of fun, for Geminis are supremely interested in developing their relationships. Dalliances with these folks are always enjoyable, since Geminis are bright, quick-witted and the proverbial life of the party. Even though their intellectual minds can rationalize forever and a day, Geminis also have a surplus of imagination waiting to be tapped. Can a Gemini be boring? Never!

    Since Geminis are a mix of the yin and the yang, they are well represented by the Twins. The Gemini-born can easily see both sides of an issue, a wonderfully practical quality. Less practical is the fact that you're not sure which Twin will show up half the time. Geminis may not know who's showing up either, which can prompt others to consider them fickle and restless. They can be wishy-washy, too, changing their mood on a simple whim. It's this characteristic which readily suggests the Mutable Quality assigned to this Sign. Mutable folks are flexible and go with the flow. Further, the Twins are adaptable and dexterous and can tackle many things at once. It's a good thing, too, when you consider their myriad interests. The downside of such a curious mind, however, can be a lack of follow-through. How much can any one person do, anyway?

    Ruled as they are by the Planet Mercury, Geminis exhibit a delicious brand of mercurial energy. They are quick-thinking, quick-witted and fast on their feet, much like the messenger god of Roman mythology that rules their Sign. Geminis are both curious and clever, which is why they are such a hit at cocktail parties. Although they talk a great game, they also love to listen and learn. With any kind of luck, the Twins will find themselves in interesting company, because if they don't, they are likely to get bored and start fidgeting. Any social setting is a good one for a Gemini, however, since these folks are charming, congenial and love to share themselves with their friends. While their effusiveness may be misconstrued as scheming by some, Geminis generally have their hearts in the right place. It's that ample energy which can also paint them as scatterbrained and unfocused, but behind all that zipping around, the Twins are busily filing all that good data away.

    The Element associated with Gemini is Air. Air Signs are the thinking person's Sign, and the Twins don't disappoint. Those born under this Sign prize intellect and consider it the key to all things. At work, they are the clearest of thinkers, looking at a project from all (well, at least two) sides and putting forth some logical and well-thought-out ideas. This quality makes Geminis an asset to any team, and while these folks are not inclined to take the lead, they are a most valuable component. It's also the Gemini's literary bent which allows them to offer a useful perspective on most any situation. The Twins also enjoy bringing their objective reasoning and big-picture ability into their personal relationships. While some may perceive all this logical thought as cold and unemotional, it's simply how these folks tick. They want to connect, they just do it their own way. Luckily for Geminis (and their pals), their lightness of spirit and youthful exuberance help them to appear forever young. In keeping with that skip in their step, Geminis enjoy short road trips -- and their agile minds and nimble hands ensure that they could change a tire (if needed) in no time flat. Is all of this Twin-energy more than any one person can handle? Ah, maybe that's why they are two.

    When it comes to sports, Geminis would seem a natural for doubles tennis -- and they are. They love the camaraderie of games and play, which is why they excel at team events. Whether it's volleyball or a game of Charades, Geminis are always ready to play. A book club would certainly stimulate their literary minds. In the game of love, Geminis are playful, flirtatious and endless fun. Physically speaking, Gemini rules the nervous system, which is why Twins should practice yoga or deep breathing techniques. Layering themselves in soft yellows and blues will also calm their mood.

    The great strength of the Gemini-born is in their ability to communicate effectively and to think clearly. Adventures of the mind are what the Twins are all about. They also love to share themselves with their friends, and they make for charming companions.

    You & Your Gemini:
    Do's of Seduction

    Enjoy the game of flirting with your Twins.
    Be flexible and open -- your Gemini will want to play, and you may not be the only partner.
    Be elusive, seductive and always slightly out of reach. A Gemini enjoys a chase.
    Be well-read, well-informed and a very good listener.
    Be talkative -- your Twins will engage you in hours of fascinating and entertaining conversation.
    Use your mind, as well as your body, to make love. A Gemini will respond the strongest to a partner who stimulates their mind.
    Always give Gemini the freedom that they need. They will broaden your horizons and teach you how to thoroughly appreciate everything life has to offer.
    Keep up -- if you bore your Gemini, they will be gone faster than you can blink.

    You & Your Gemini:
    Don'ts of Seduction

    Never tell your Gemini to stop flirting. Gemini is a natural social butterfly, and won't understand why you want to repress their instinct.
    Try not to be a bad conversationalist or a bad audience. Gemini becomes bored easily, and may not want to save the conversation for another time.
    Don't question everything that's going on in your Gemini's mind. They will not appreciate an intrusion into their complex and convoluted thought process.
    Avoid being too traditional -- if you want to spend every hour in bed, you may have to get used to some unexpected behavior.
    Don't act too surprised -- they may bring a Scrabble board, some crackers and cheese, and a novel into bed with the two of you.
    Try not to tie down or hold back a Gemini. They will slip through your fingers like quicksilver.

  13. #43
    bLaCkdRagOnslUv Guest

    Default Cancer

    Cancer, the fourth Sign of the Zodiac, is all about home. Those born under this Sign are 'roots' kinds of people and take great pleasure in the comforts of home and family. Cancers are maternal, domestic and love to nurture others. More than likely, their family will be large, too -- the more, the merrier! Cancers will certainly be merry if their home life is serene and harmonious. Traditions are upheld with great zest in a Cancer's household, since these folks prize family history and love communal activities. They also tend to be patriotic, waving the flag whenever possible. A Cancer's good memory is the basis for stories told around the dinner table, and don't be surprised if these folks get emotional about things to boot. Those born under this Sign wear their heart on their sleeve, which is just fine by them.

    The mascot of Cancerians is the Crab, and much like this shelled little critter, Cancerians are quick to retreat into their shells if it suits their mood. No wonder these folks are called crabby! For Cancer, it's not that big of a deal, though, since they consider this 'shell' a second home (and they do love home). The flip side of this hiding is that shell-bound Crabs are often quite moody. Further, in keeping with their difficulty in sharing their innermost feelings, it can become a Herculean task to pry a Crab out of its secret hiding place. What to do? Give the Crab time -- eventually these folks will come out to play again. When they do, they'll be the first to say so, in keeping with the Cardinal Quality attached to this Sign. It's said that Crabs are first to laugh and first to cry, so you can bet they'll fill you in. That shell, by the way, isn't the only tough thing about Crabs. These folks are tenacious and strong-willed and like to get their way. If their well-documented kindness and gentleness doesn't do the trick, however, they're not above using emotional manipulation to make things happen. If that still doesn't work, they'll just go back to their shell and sulk, or find a way to get back at the source of their pain, since Crabs can be rather vindictive. That said, any self-respecting Crab would tell you that they are ultimately motivated by protecting their home and loved ones, a most noble goal.

    Cancerians are ruled by the Moon, the Great Mother of the heavens in ancient times. Here on Earth, this is manifested in the Crab's maternal instincts and desire to protect home and hearth. This may appear smothering at times, but that's the Crab for you. The Moon is associated with fertility, too, a quality which is most pleasing to Cancerians. The Moon is also the ruler of moods, and Cancers have plenty of those. These folks can cry you a river if they're so inclined, and they usually are. They can be overly sensitive, easily hurt and prone to brooding. Even so, Crabs find it easy to be sympathetic to others and are quick to show their affection. Their intuition is also a great help to them, especially in times of stress.

    The Element associated with Cancer is Water. Like the rolling waves of the sea, the Crab's emotions can make quite a splash. These folks tend to pick up on things and bring them in, with the outward result ranging from sentimentality to possessiveness. Crabs need to resist the temptation to become selfish or to feel sorry for themselves, since this behavior won't help. On the bright side, Cancers are good with money (although some consider them too thrifty), probably because they value a sense of security. Crabs are also quick to help others and tend to avoid confrontation. In keeping with their nurturing bent, those born under this Sign are a whiz with food. A hearty picnic on the Fourth of July is heaven on earth to most Crabs.

    Cancers often find that a robust workout session is just the tonic for their touchy feelings. Team sports are always nice, since they offer a sense of community; water polo should be elemental to aquatic Crabs. What are their team colors? The Moon is silver and white. Since Cancerians have a tendency to be lazy, however, they may need someone to push them out the door. When it comes to the game of love, eager Crabs are devoted, romantic and able to get things going on their own. Crabs are wise to listen to their gut, since this Sign rules the stomach.

    The great strength of the Cancer-born is the tenacity with which they protect their loved ones. These folks don't ask for much, either: a comfortable home and sense of peace about sums it up. It's that nurturing instinct which makes Cancerians a pleasure to be with.

    You & Your Cancer:
    Do's of Seduction

    Treat your Cancer to a home cooked meal, or pick them flowers from your garden.
    Focus on them -- they need the attention -- and appreciate the tokens of material security.
    Learn to enjoy quiet, private evenings at home. They will show you how fulfilling these times can be.
    Remember and commemorate 'special days,' such as Valentine's Day and the anniversary of your first date.
    Enjoy their nurturing nature -- they will protect you from the harsh world on all the other days of the year.
    Be a caring companion and an emotional ballast. Your Cancer will engulf you in love and emotion.
    Show your Cancer how much you appreciate the emotional richness of your life together.
    Open your heart -- they will show you how to give and receive emotionally, trust completely and find true security in a relationship.

    You & Your Cancer:
    Don'ts of Seduction

    Never make fun of your Cancer, even if you think you're being gentle. They will take you seriously, and could get very hurt or angry.
    Don't let yourself be influenced by this Sign's mood swings. Your Cancer will take you on an emotional roller coaster that will leave your head spinning!
    Don't expect to be the boss of a Cancer; they won't be stepped on. Emotional Cancer has definite ideas of what they want, and can be a bit manipulative when it suits them.
    Don't be too pushy at first or too rough later on. Your Cancer will lash out or shrink away from this kind of treatment. Cancers prefer to be petted or adored.
    Never treat family matters lightly or flippantly. Your Cancer may determine that you undervalue loved ones and domestic life, both of which Cancer holds dear.

  14. #44
    bLaCkdRagOnslUv Guest

    Default Leo

    Leo is the fifth Sign of the Zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss, since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job One for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that these folks are also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else. It's quite common to see a Leo on stage or in Hollywood, since these folks never shy away from the limelight. They are also supremely talented and have a flair for the dramatic. Warmth and enthusiasm seems to seep from every Leo pore, making these folks a pleasure to be around. They do love pleasure!
    It's the Lion which symbolizes Leos, and the king (or queen) of the jungle is a most appropriate mascot, since these folks consider themselves the rulers of their universe (and the Zodiac at that). Like Lions, Leos tend to be dignified and strong, and it is this sense of their power which allows them to get things done. A Leo on your team is a good thing, since Lions are eager to see their projects through to completion. Putting these folks at the helm is a good thing, too, since the Leo-born are natural leaders. They may ruffle a few feathers along the way, however, since they can also be overbearing and somewhat autocratic. This may be in keeping with the Fixed Quality assigned to this Sign -- Lions are indeed opinionated and set in their ways. That said, they are well organized, idealistic and have a knack for inspiring others
    Leo is ruled by the Sun, the center of the universe and the fuel for our being. In much the same way, Leos consider themselves indispensable and the center of the universe, and those who would tell them otherwise had better look out! Lions are outgoing, self-assured and have a tremendous zest for life. So what if the world revolves around them? There are worse role models, for sure. The Lion's enthusiasm is boundless, and along with that comes generosity of spirit and the determination to succeed. That focus may be construed as vanity and even bossiness at times, but Lions would say 'No way!' and continue along their regal path. Regardless of appearance, those born under this Sign can be counted on for their loyalty and sense of honor. They are also decisive, intensely proud and wonderfully romantic.
    The Element associated with Leo is Fire. Everything about the Lion's personality is hot, hot, hot. Those born under this Sign are fearless and strong, which may be why Lions plunge in head first and let the chips fall where they may. Thankfully, Leos are dignified enough not to commit too many pratfalls. It's the Lion's unswerving courage that wins so many folks over. If you need someone to lead the charge, call a Leo -- and the bigger the project, the better, since these folks love an expansive stage (and the audience that comes with it). While some would take to calling Lions status-conscious, these folks are truly warmhearted and want everyone to be happy. Hey, it's their kingdom, and happy campers make for a perfect peace. Further, it's the great gift of the Leo-born to be dynamic, forward-thinking and self-confident. These attributes certainly catch the attention of others, making Leos sought after by both friends and lovers. The Lion's charms extend to all, even to the children they dearly love. Yes, the pleasure principle is paramount to the Lion, and along those lines, Leos are great at spending money. Lions can't fathom an uncomfortable throne. Leos also enjoy trying their luck at the tables, so expect to find them living it up in Las Vegas.

    Come play time, Leos are at their best. Those born under this Sign enjoy fun and games both outdoors and in (and with a group), so expect to find them playing softball, hockey or a game of cards. Lions are also a natural at the gym, where they can show their stuff to a crowd. When the lights are low, the essential Lion comes to the fore, since this beast is 90% fun and 100% romantic. The Leo lover is devoted, creative and almost too hot to handle! Since Leo rules the heart and back, however, overzealous Lions may have to take a deep breath and slow down a bit. You can bet that the Lion's home will be swaddled in royal purple and gold.

    The great strengths of the Leo-born are their creativity, idealism and leadership. Lions don't lack for ambition, either, so they're likely to accomplish a lot -- and have fun while they're at it. Their warmth and loyalty ensures that others will enjoy the ride as well

    You & Your Leo:
    Do's of Seduction

    Make sure that you tell your Leo how bright, beautiful and golden they are.
    Enjoy the rewards of such compliments -- they will accept them eagerly, and will reciprocate by showering you with gifts and tokens of affection.
    Be willing to give your Leo the spotlight. They will share it with you, and will also share that natural Leo sunshine.
    Enjoy and encourage your Leo's sense of humor. Not only will they keep you constantly entertained, they will also brighten your day.
    Learn to be the submissive one at times -- and learn to like it! Your Leo will force you to submit to your most delicious fantasies.
    Show your Leo how important they are to you.
    Open your heart -- this Sign can be more than just a lover; they can be your soul mate.

    You & Your Leo:
    Don'ts of Seduction

    Don't ignore your Leo or forget that you had plans, unless you don't want to see them anymore. They will think that you don't care if you aren't there.
    Avoid trying to tell a Leo what to do, and don't try to take charge. Leos do not like to give up control; they like to have things their way.
    Never insist on having the spotlight, even if you only want it half the time. Your Leo will miss it. The Lion needs to be the focus of attention almost all the time.
    Don't take your Leo's vanity down a few notches. This may hurt them more seriously than you realize. A Leo ego is often fragile and easily bruised.
    If you criticize a Leo in public, you're committing a major breach of trust. Their spotlight will be stolen and their ego will be bruised. Ouch!

  15. #45
    bLaCkdRagOnslUv Guest

    Default Virgo

    Virgo is the sixth Sign of the Zodiac, to be exact, and that's the way Virgos like it: exacting. Those born under this Sign are forever the butt of jokes for being so picky and critical (and they can be), but their 'attention to detail' is for a reason: to help others. Virgos, more than any other Sign, were born to serve, and it gives them great joy. They are also tailor-made for the job, since they are industrious, methodical and efficient. The sense of duty borne by these folks is considerable, and it ensures that they will always work for the greater good.

    Virgo is represented in modern Astrology by the Virgin, although this association should not be taken literally. Rather, Virgos tend to take on some of the qualities of a Virgin, things like modesty and humanity. Some might consider them repressed, although Virgins would argue that it's a noble quality, as opposed to a negative one. Most of all, Virgos enjoy indulging their practical and logical side and poring over their projects to the nth degree. To say these folks are good at fact-finding almost understates the case, since Virgos revel in their exacting (some would argue pedantic) behavior and are a whiz with minutiae. Virgins are an asset in the workplace as they can be counted on to get things right the first time, every time -- and no detail will be overlooked. They are also balanced and fair in their assessments in keeping with the Mutable Quality assigned to this Sign.

    Virgo is ruled by the Planet Mercury, and as portrayed in ancient Roman mythology, Mercury wasn't one to sit still for long. This swift-footed god was a bundle of energy, both physically and mentally, and that pretty much sums up the Virgin's makeup. A Virgo's brain is in overdrive most of the time, which is why these folks get so much done. Those born under this Sign are also able communicators and use their mental acuity to maximum advantage. All of this brainpower can make Virgins prone to skepticism, and can even lead to the kind of overthink which surely leads to overkill. Thankfully, though, Virgos are also a studious lot and can temper their worst impulses with a bit of careful analysis. Virgos enjoy studying a situation in great detail, whether it's a work project or a friendship. Virgins are truly interested in understanding things. The bane of many Virgos is the perfectionism which can get in the way of their usual clear thinking. 'I'm not a perfectionist; I'm discriminating!' a Virgo would say, happy in the knowledge that their taste is unparalleled. Along those lines, Virgos are also neat and clean, save for the occasional sloppy Virgin (they do exist). Virgins are also reliable and practical and oh-so-useful to have around.
    The Element associated with Virgo is Earth, and in keeping with that, most Virgos are grounded, salt-of-the-earth types. The flash and dash can go to others, since Virgos would much rather be humble and easy-going. That said, Virgins do enjoy material possessions and are (dare we say?) picky about what they bring into their lives. Some might even go as far as calling them self-centered, but it's really more of a desire to surround themselves with what's right -- for them. This knack for discernment also serves Virgins well in business, where their decisions are usually dead-on. Those born under this Sign are eminently sensible and use their critical eye well. While Virgins can be worrywarts, they do their best to temper these impulses. However, if this nervousness goes unchecked, it can lead to hypochondria, that ugly skeleton in the Virgo's closet. For that reason, Virgos are extremely health conscious, to the point of being storehouses of information on diet and hygiene. Many Virgos even choose a health or medical career so they won't miss a beat.
    Working out is elemental for Virgins, if only so they know intellectually that they're helping themselves physically. See, the benefits of exercise are far more important to Virgos than the process itself. That's why Virgos are likely to time themselves on their runs and get in those 300 sit-ups every day. When it comes to the game of love, Virgos are able to loosen up somewhat and are devoted to their lovers, even if they can be a bit jealous. Since Virgo rules the intestines, worried Virgins need to be wary of bowel upsets. Soothing relief often comes in the way of earth tones, which is why Virgins like to be surrounded by shades of tan and a warm yellow.

    The great strength of the Virgo-born is in their practicality, sharp mind and attention to detail. When merged with their willingness to serve, Virgos become essential helpmates. They can be picky -- so what?

    You & Your Virgo:
    Do's of Seduction

    Present a close-to-flawless exterior and interior. The perfectionist side of your Virgo will be drawn to the perfection they see in you.
    Be patient and accepting of the Virgoan attention to detail.
    Benefit by your patience -- they will take a diligent and detailed approach to making your life better.
    Show your Virgo how impressed you are by their constant efforts to improve their surroundings. They will work even harder to provide you with a picture-perfect home.
    Be a friend and an intellectual companion, as well as a lover. Virgos are usually possessed of sharp wit and powerful analytic abilities. A Virgo needs a partner who can appreciate and cultivate these qualities.
    Try to remain at ease if your Virgo criticizes or overanalyzes you. A Virgo will eventually realize that even Virgos are not perfect.

    You & Your Virgo:
    Don'ts of Seduction

    Don't allow yourself to get lax or sloppy at home. Your Virgo's sense of order, which is especially pronounced close to be home, will be affronted by your laziness.
    Never pick at your Virgo, even if they pick at you. Your Virgo may take your criticism to heart, and feel bad that they're not up to your standards.
    Avoid expecting too much -- if you want complete and total attention at all times, you may be disappointed. Virgo is the 'Sign of Service,' and will often take time to lend a hand to a friend or coworker.
    Try not to feed your Virgo something they don't like. They are exacting and specific about the kinds of food that enters their body.
    Don't ever underestimate the bedroom habits of a Virgo. Virgo perfectionism carries over into the bedroom, and you'd better appreciate it!

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