The one from 2016?
Ion fury is proving to be quite long but I still like it.
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel
find me on nexus
Spoiler warning:
Don't know how many times I've seen this happen irl over the years... me being a smoker.
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help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel
find me on nexus
People are also, in general, spineless babies nowadays.
No one interested in playing NWNEE with me even if I foot the bill?
I haven't been able to give up the smokes permanentlyI don't start crying if someone asks me why I haven't given up, I usually tell them how I have tried and felt like I wanted to kill people
Smokers are considered outcasts in society now (over here anyway), can only smoke in designated areas and a bunch of other rules.
Fat people are treated like the disabled... feel sorry for them and support them to make their life easierffs
It's like 3 out of 4 people using mobility scooters aren't actually old people. In fact some of these fatties actually have disability pensions. It's crazy.
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Put both of you in correctional facilities.
Hi dudes and dudettes, it's Dill. I need help to recover my login password. I was hospitalized after my brother died because of a hit and run driver, not sure who it was but I saw it coming and managed to survive it by taking cover otherwise I would be dead methinks. Can an admin PM me my Cap1 password please, forgot it.
Also @Jack
It is Till in that avatar as spacefaring mech pilot just can't see his face in a spacesuit. Forget national anthems, Rammstein anthems are international.
And intergalactic.
Last edited by Nerdman; 4th-November-2023 at 12:16. Reason: Amerika... America...