I've never played Neverwinter Nights but it looks interesting.
After looking at some screenshots, looks kinda Fable but with some Hellgate London mixed in. I should probably watch some gameplay vids of it.
It's nothing at all like Fable. I don't know about Hellgate: London.![]()
Last edited by Slacker Magician; 26th-October-2023 at 22:13.
I have made 3 or more attempts(probably more as I lost track) in the last 2 days to get through level 1 of mission 3 in RtCW this last time was the last straw. I swear those nazis have eyes in the back of their heads and x-ray vision because there is no way that either of the 2 could have seen me behind that stone wall. their backs were both turned and they weren't even near the wall I was behind.
anyway I'm a bit miffed at gaming right now although I did start playing lego the hobbit the other day they really changed things up from the lord of the rings game(game play and map) it's mildly fun not as fun as the marvel or star wars games.
also decided to check out a game I've had for a bit now called hell denizen it's basically a doom clone it's meh but it might get me out of this slump.
help the socially disabled https://gofund.me/3234a082thumperbunnyeve~If Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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Neverwinter Nights is probably more like Hellgone London or could be something different. I still need to watch some gameplay vids of it.
that's kinda the messed up part they can hear gunshots but not footsteps or doors opening and closing. I ran up to 2 soldiers(from behind) in the same level and killed them with the knife and didn't alert other in the area.
I might come back to it after(or if) I beat this modern doom clone I'm playing this game could have been better if they would have put good music in it(thinking speed metal or judas priest) and weapons damage was adjusted.
help the socially disabled https://gofund.me/3234a082thumperbunnyeve~If Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDs...gHZ_f8tjf8jW4w
find me on nexus https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/epgrouch/about-me
At least you figured it out. What's the name of the other game?
help the socially disabled https://gofund.me/3234a082thumperbunnyeve~If Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDs...gHZ_f8tjf8jW4w
find me on nexus https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/epgrouch/about-me
Reminds me of Quake. Requirements appear heftier than they probably should be, but not ridiculous.
help the socially disabled https://gofund.me/3234a082thumperbunnyeve~If Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDs...gHZ_f8tjf8jW4w
find me on nexus https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/epgrouch/about-me
help the socially disabled https://gofund.me/3234a082thumperbunnyeve~If Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDs...gHZ_f8tjf8jW4w
find me on nexus https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/epgrouch/about-me