help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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Last edited by Slacker Magician; 22nd-October-2023 at 03:03.
I decided to give another PW a shot, it would be nice if I could find someone toabsorb blows and heal me, join in since it's perma-death. I think they allow for raise or resurrection but that would take the cleric hitting level 9 or 14 respectively.
oh, I have diamond edition but don't have it installed. I was thinking about it today after checking out borderzone.
I couldn't get past the god awful controls to really play boderzone I also ran into a game breaking bug my character got stuck partially in a wall and couldn't move I also didn't save and didn't feel like going through the character creation process again. so I un-installed it
I've also been playing return to castle wolfenstien this is the 2nd time I've played it(never finished it the 1st time)
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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A nice, relaxing enjoyable weekend.
I don't think there was but I haven't looked either. I will have to look the game back up because I don't even remember what kind of rpg it was supposed to be. if you do play RtCW keep some things in mind.
1 be careful of climbing down ladders it's easy to fall to your death(like in half-life). 2 armor is rare(at least from what I found)and only amounts to 25 points but it's pretty effective. 3 zombies take a lot of bullets to kill and ammo and health are a scarce in the catacomb levels also shielded zombies can reflect your bullets(even randomly when their shield isn't up) so you have to be careful when trying to kill them with a gun the knife works pretty well but you have to be quite close and the zombies can move pretty fast and swing their clubs pretty fast so you;ll probably get hit.
4 enemy pop in can be an issue. I ran into it multiple time randomly in the village level when killing the officer at the table in the bar and outside the bar around the corner.
I'm currently at a forced stealth section(that seemed easier than it is) I only seen 1 patrolling nazi and the bastard seen me from a great distance away and 2 or 3 other popped up so learning the placement of enemies is really helpful. also the sten fucking sucks it's prone to over heating easily and use the thompson sparingly I didn't even find ammo for it after getting it and the standard 9mm ammo is shared between 3 guns(the luger mp40 and sten) be sure to save a lot too.
Last edited by Grouch; 23rd-October-2023 at 10:57.
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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find me on nexus
Welp flying back to Vancouver tomorrow. Good trip!! Went by too fast.
*weeb noises*