Super Mario Wonder and Sonic Superstars are 2D-HD Action Platforms. Nothing mind-blowing, but fun to play from time to time. Also, the Super Mario RPG Remake is due out next month.
Super Mario Wonder and Sonic Superstars are 2D-HD Action Platforms. Nothing mind-blowing, but fun to play from time to time. Also, the Super Mario RPG Remake is due out next month.
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it's better than gore and kingpin. the only things currently annoying me about it are the scarcity of armor, always being shot while climbing down ladders and the slow ass recharge on the adrenaline meter also that it slows everything down not just the npcs and their bullets.
I'm going to at least try to get back to the last point I can remember when I last played it mostly because I don't have any other games lined up that I fee like playing right now.
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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Its been some time since the Vita came out. I'm surprised there isn't a section for it.
yes it is.
I was reminded today why I stopped playing it besides the mentioned annoyances there's also no way to cheat to mitigate these annoyances.
after looking to see if there was a way to cheat(with the gog version) I happened to read a few reviews(1 which made it clear you can't cheat with the steam and apparently gog version) most of the reviews I read all say the same things that are hanging me up about the game.
if it weren't for those issues I'd stick it out but if I'm going to invest that much time I'd rather invest it in a decent to good rpg or adventure game.
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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it felt like it could have been a better game if they could have fixed spawning and made armor a little more plentiful and sped the fucking recharge rate up it could have been an average/slightly above average fps.
I tried 2 other fps games today that I uninstalled shortly after.
the 1st was necrovision from what little I played it felt like it was trying to be like painkiller but with an emphasis on melee to build up a charge for specials. I played till after the 3min tutorial 10 min of cutscenes and for some reason gameplay footage the level was dark filled with smoke gas and a bunch of germans shooting you and it was impossible to see them unless they were right in front of you.
that's when I quit.
I also tried a game called planeta 55. I thought it was going to be like doom or quake I didn't play it long enough to find out if it was, it was a unity game with little to no options and ran like ass despite it's low requirements.
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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Manager turned out to be "manager that has to do everything with no underlings"?
More like "Manager was a piece of shit who treated me like shit and let another coworker treat me like shit repeatedly and another coworker send a false sexual harassment report to HR, where nothing was done when they found out the report was false."
Unfortunately they turned me down for Manager position cause someone else decided to take over. Lots of corporate bullshit there.
It was, which is why I'm glad I'm out of there.
The whole false sexual harassment thing really pisses me off. She just wanted a reason to get me out of what she called HER store once she got transferred there. She's a bitch with a capital B.
Ah well. This new job is laid back, all I care about lol.