Started on Max Payne.
I have that for ps2 but haven't played it. how is it?
started playing time shift I was kinda expecting it to be like singularity, it's not. it's not too bad so far gotta get used to using the time based powers(slow and stop) it's not proving to be too difficult(so far) I have a feeling I can finish this one.
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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is it action heavy or more GTA like?
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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I played Max Payne 3 awhile ago. It was fun, but kinda slow paced.
I think I'm done with the series, at least for now. The first game concludes nicely enough.
so I'm a fair bit into time shift now. the game is far less punishing than I first thought it'd be(which is nice) frequent check points and being able to save at any time really helps in that regard. now that I'm into it I have to say it feels a lot like half-life 2.
once you get the hang of the time mechanics it's pretty fun(and sometimes a little too easy)
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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find me on nexus
Finished Legend of Nayuta, not bad for a action-RPG. Very similar to the Ys games. Though short, does have new game+, but new game+ is always kinda eh.
EDIT: So the Xbox/Activision merger went through
Last edited by LeftyGuitar; 13th-October-2023 at 21:17.
wtf... RDR got a Switch release?![]()
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So what's a Series S worth used in the real world?
I mean what's the going rate CiB used, not "how much would you pay"
Hit me with some numbers![]()
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I only need someone to look up consoles on US ebay, I can't see everything available over there with my AU account. Please![]()
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