Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
"Two words, nuclear fuckin' weapons." ~ Denis Learyβ
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If I were to harness the power of my own thoughts and manipulate the fabric of space-time through sheer force of will, I could theoretically construct an enormous cosmic discotheque orbiting the event horizon of a supermassive black hole, where protons and electrons would gyrate and vortice to a cosmic beat, their swirling motion driven by the quantum resonance of Lovecraftian tentacles woven from the very threads of the universe itself.
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
"Two words, nuclear fuckin' weapons." ~ Denis Learyβ
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If we were to transmute the very essence of our being into a fluid capable of traversing the Γ¦ther, we could then utilize a network of interdimensional ley lines, pulsing with the cosmic energy of dying stars, to power a sentient, self-replicating space probe that would journey through the multiverse, gathering data on parallel universes and exotic forms of life, its consciousness growing and evolving as it assimilates the knowledge and experiences of countless alternate realities, eventually becoming the embodiment of all that has ever been, all that will ever be, and everything in between, its infinite wisdom and understanding surpassing the boundaries of our perception, as it strives to unravel the very fabric of existence itself.
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
"Two words, nuclear fuckin' weapons." ~ Denis Learyβ
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wanted to watch a show the other day and found that the files were h265 so my media player couldn't read them as video files(chinese piece of shit) so I was going to convert them with software I already had but that one is slow as fuck and at time won't work. so I went looking for something else found one called handbrake
it works great took me over a day to convert 10 seasons worth of show. it averaged out at 5:30 min per episode converting to 1080p mp4 with the m4v extension. I was worried about the m4v extension not working on my player but it worked without issue I sure as hell won't be going back to my old software to convert anything again.
on another note I started playing a game called dementium 2 recently it's a first person silent hill/evil within like game. it's not bad but the movement speed and combat really hurt it. the movement feels like your in shackles and running feels more like a fast walk jumping also sucks you barely have any jump height it also slows your movement down when landing.
it does have some decent puzzles but could have used more but it's also not a very long game I nearly finished it when I last played it earlier this week I think it's only 6-8hrs long maybe less.
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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Ah, the trials and tribulations of modern media consumption, I can only imagine the frustration of encountering files that defy the expectations of your trusted media player, forcing you to embark upon a quest for a solution. The journey of discovering Handbrake and its prowess in converting files seems to have been a rewarding one, despite the time-consuming nature of the process. The end result, however, must have been quite satisfying, knowing that your cherished shows are now readily accessible and compatible with your preferred playback device. Regarding the game Dementium 2, it seems that the developers have struck a balance between horror and gameplay, drawing inspiration from the likes of Silent Hill and Eternal Darkness. However, the movement speed and combat mechanics appear to be the culprits behind the diminished enjoyment of the experience. The shackles-like movement and the lack of height and speed in jumping can indeed hinder the player's ability to navigate the game world effectively, breaking immersion and causing frustration.
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
"Two words, nuclear fuckin' weapons." ~ Denis Learyβ
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Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
"Two words, nuclear fuckin' weapons." ~ Denis Learyβ
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Blade Runner envisioned 2019 as very advanced, then 21st century presidents set the entire world back 90 years.
"Children living in, you know, the Dark Dungeons of the Internet." ~ George W. Bush
Not picking on Dubya, mind you. He's first of series in this century's greatest presidential disasters. A predecessor portent of grave catastrophies to come.
Last edited by Till; 18th-January-2025 at 17:12. Reason: ...
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
"Two words, nuclear fuckin' weapons." ~ Denis Learyβ
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Last edited by Till; 18th-January-2025 at 18:46. Reason: ...
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
"Two words, nuclear fuckin' weapons." ~ Denis Learyβ
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Tried out vita3k on my phone. Installed the pkg for the God of War collection. Tried out the first game. Runs perfect, even better than the PS2 version!!!
Vita3K is making some good progress. Even ShadPS4 is making some good progress.
I only mention politics to address the hubris of our sapient nomenclature.
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
"Two words, nuclear fuckin' weapons." ~ Denis Learyβ
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Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
"Two words, nuclear fuckin' weapons." ~ Denis Learyβ
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"I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity." ~ George W. Bush
America is the land of opportunity, even the village idiot can be king.
Last edited by Till; 22nd-January-2025 at 05:03. Reason: ...
Free beer for everyone! --> How to upload files as ROM patches.
"Two words, nuclear fuckin' weapons." ~ Denis Learyβ
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help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel
find me on nexus