help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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On the computer: I'd look for a case locally, almost any ATX case will do fine. You'd want to wait for rebates if ordering online.
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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find me on nexus
Re-upped NHL 94/95 for the PC (MS-DOS). I wish Nintendo would have implemented some type of achievement system for the Switch, I'd probably use it more. At least there's Retro Achievements.
Of course right now Big N is on a lot of people's shit-list because of the steam & dolphin thing.
Shit list or no, Switch is still the best selling console. As long as there are little brats convincing their parents to spend on over priced pokemon games and switch consoles they'll continue to be so.
WonderWitch kit on ebay for $1200aud
Spoiler warning:
Won't be long until I join the PC Engine masterrace
Spoiler warning:
there is no such thing as free. a free item will always cost you something this is a lesson I have once again had to learn.
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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find me on nexus
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
my youtube channel
find me on nexus
I probably wouldn't bother unless the power supply is cheap. I got rid of an AIO a while back after pulling the HDD because the AC adapter cost more than it was worth.
help the socially disabled Purchase does not entail ownership, then sharing shouldn't mean piracy.
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find me on nexus
Not too bad, I guess, if it's actually working .