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Thread: EP Account Deletion Thread: Fare Thee Well

  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deleted User
    GDPR also says you can't refuse deletion requests.
    Hmm, well some things to note:
    1) I don't care. That's not a government authority that rules over me.
    2) I'm sure this whatever law that I don't care to read, would have some sensible restrictions. Like such a request must be formatted correctly, or must not be abused.
    *PSA* Wii Redump collector's can now unscrub ISO files. So scrubbed games can now be verified. You can find the program to do this here

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Removed User
    Hola , revisé que mi info se filtró en 2018 . Solicito por favor eliminen la cuenta si pueden, nunca usé este foro y tampoco recuerdo por qué creé una cuenta aquí, gracias.
    I was going to reply with our usual "English only forum" response. But why should I do that? I can understand your intent even with my nonexistent language skills. So sure, account removed
    I guess that means that non-English requests = OK. Try to use words I might understand!
    *PSA* Wii Redump collector's can now unscrub ISO files. So scrubbed games can now be verified. You can find the program to do this here

  3. #33
    R@gn@r Guest


    Hello Ragnar. Please delete and R@gn@r me if you can. Cleaning up digitally. Thanks!

  4. #34
    Elmdor Rizer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazy4fun View Post
    Hi, I would like to request to delete my account because I don't use it anymore.
    Oi, I reckon your username was false advertising which is punishable under various laws and general oral tradition.

    Michael Ballack, he scores free-kicks.
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  5. #35
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    Hi there. I don't want my account deleted, but I DO want my name changed, as I haven't used this account or name in a good decade, lol. Any way I can change my name, please?

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by xwatchmanx View Post
    Hi there. I don't want my account deleted, but I DO want my name changed, as I haven't used this account or name in a good decade, lol. Any way I can change my name, please?
    Certainly, you can't self-serve that, but I can do it for you, just tell me what you'd like
    *PSA* Wii Redump collector's can now unscrub ISO files. So scrubbed games can now be verified. You can find the program to do this here

  7. #37
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    Hi Ragnar I hope you're doing well and healthy. I am auditing accounts and updating information across everything and am in a loop and I hope you can help. I keep getting the message "The administrator has banned your email address" but I'm just trying to update account password info. If my email(s) are banned then OK but the forum still sends to them anyway and it won't let me update anything and this is very concerning as now a template PW is set and I cannot change it. I might be able to log in every week and have the forum generate a new template password repeatedly but that seems a little insane. At this point me asking for you to just delete my account is the only way I know how to remedy with this. The error that told me my emails were banned linked to a admin contact page and that page says "The email function has been disabled by the administrator." so this is becoming very circular and moot and concerning. I'd appreciate your wisdom on this

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by TomAwezome View Post
    Hi Ragnar I hope you're doing well and healthy. I am auditing accounts and updating information across everything and am in a loop and I hope you can help. I keep getting the message "The administrator has banned your email address" but I'm just trying to update account password info. If my email(s) are banned then OK but the forum still sends to them anyway and it won't let me update anything and this is very concerning as now a template PW is set and I cannot change it. I might be able to log in every week and have the forum generate a new template password repeatedly but that seems a little insane. At this point me asking for you to just delete my account is the only way I know how to remedy with this. The error that told me my emails were banned linked to a admin contact page and that page says "The email function has been disabled by the administrator." so this is becoming very circular and moot and concerning. I'd appreciate your wisdom on this
    Oh, Yes Yahoo was added to the banned email provider filter. Most emails are banned because they're of the throwaway variety, like 20minutemail or the like. Yahoo was unfortunate, IIRC they flagged us as email spammers, so they started blocking all messages that we'd send. So people weren't receiving temp passwords or confirmation emails and the like. Adding it to the banned list was a means to force users to change their email here to something that works, and that clearly worked out as the dropped email volume is letting you receive messages now apparently. It working now doesn't mean I'll unban it, because the problem will just reoccur.
    So we're left with 3 solutions:

    1) You change your email address. Gmail or Hotmail are fine, if you already have accounts with them

    2) I manually change your password. If your new desired password is unique you could just PM me it (don't tell me your real passwords, lalala I don't want to know), and I could update it. It's fine for you to keep the Yahoo mail, it's grandfathered in, and you can just ask us Admin's for help

    3) You decide it isn't worth the hassle, and I just delete your account. If you don't respond in the next week or two, till I next delete a batch of accounts, I'll assume that's what you want and I'll delete your account
    Last edited by Ragnar; 21st-October-2024 at 19:10.
    *PSA* Wii Redump collector's can now unscrub ISO files. So scrubbed games can now be verified. You can find the program to do this here

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Ragnar For This Useful Post:

  10. #39
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    Thanks for the info Ragnar that cleared things up some. I dug up an old hotmail email I found in the couch cushions and that worked! The password update took a few tries, it seems like the password limitations don't always cooperate with what password managers generate. You don't have to delete my account now unless you want to thanks again for helping with this have a good day

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to TomAwezome For This Useful Post:

  12. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Removed user View Post
    Can you delete this account please, I just deleting all my old accounts that I don't use anymore.
    It seems that this request just deletes this forum-related account, how can I delete my Emuparadise account?
    Is it even possible to delete it?
    Thanks in advance.
    Yeah, you can try your luck with:
    I doubt it does anything
    *PSA* Wii Redump collector's can now unscrub ISO files. So scrubbed games can now be verified. You can find the program to do this here

  13. #41
    SEO Brando Guest


    I would like to have my account removed from the website. The reasons are I have since stopped using my account and my data was leaked 6 years ago, thank you.

  14. #42
    paeelo Guest


    Hello, I would like to delete my account since I don't use it at all. Thanks

  15. #43
    Punklik Guest


    Some rules:
    1) Your postcount may not exceed 1, which is the one post in this thread.
    No posts
    2) Say why you're leaving.
    Never use this account
    3) Be polite.
    Please remove this post after removal
    5) Ragnar finds it considerably amusing if deleted accounts have clicked the "Thanks" button on this post. It is not required though.

  16. #44
    R@gn@r Guest


    Hi could you please delete my account as I don’t think I’ve used it in years. Could you also remove my username from this post if that’s possible? Just doing a clean up of some old accounts. This email address has been in like 10 different leaks lol.


  17. #45
    Bros.DML Guest


    Hi there, I've stopped using my account years ago, can you delete it please? Thank you.

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