This site used to work, but after doing a complete system reinstall a couple of weeks ago, none of the downloads will work anymore. It always redirects to Clicking the button to set an exception has no effect, nor does clicking the 'get file link'. And yes, I am navigating directly through EP, not from an outside source.

A google search didn't show any others with the same problem. I've disabled noScript, with no effect on the problem. No other plugins are installed other than the base Tor ones; I don't even have uBlock installed like I normally do. It does the exact same thing in Firefox, with or without ublock or noscript going.

Again, it was working two weeks ago, with the only difference being if Tor updated between now and then. I never checked my normal Firefox install before the reinstall, since I don't normally use it for searching stuff out.

The file in question is the Acord Archimedes complete set, though I've also tried several individual games across Sega CD, Amstrad, and Game Boy, and the Atari 8 bit line complete set as well, just to test to see if it was just the Archimedes set broken. All I've tested are broken.

They do download on Firefox mobile, which is odd. Same Archimedes complete set.