Hello, for the last month, I've been wanting to play burned games on my playstation one. I think it has a modchip, since it runs games that have been burned on a CD. But the problems I have encountered were these: 1st of all, sometimes the games boot up, and sometimes I just get thrown into the "Memory Card and CD Player" screen. I have no idea why this is happening. 2nd, if the games DO boot up, they often lag or stutter. for example, I tried downloading the Castlevania Symphony of the night game, burned it to my cd, and played it. At first, it didn't boot. Then I tried restarting the console multiple times, and after 5 tries, it booted up. But the game stuttered a lot, as well as the FMV's and Audio. Could someone help me out? Do I need to change my laser?

Thanks, Kevin.