HI first question on this forum:

I’m pretty new to the use of CLRMamePro and checking/updating ROM sets. I have read several tutorials but each one seems to do things in a different way.

So just wanted to clarify that the process below I’m about to undertake is correct and I have not missed anything:

1. Have downloaded a full ROMSET for MAME 0.172
2. Will install MAMEUI version 0.172 (I know it’s the previous release but at least it matches the version of the ROMSET)
3. As I do not have any previous/existing ROMSET, my /roms subfolder for MAMEUI0.172 will be empty
4. Will extract the rom zip files from the full 0.172 ROM download into a temporary folder called C:\downloads\ROMS_V0.172. I have read that you don’t have to extract the rom zip files but I don’t understand why? I suspect my full ROMSET download will be merged by WINRAR into a single .ZIP or .7ZIP file. If so, do I still ned to extract al the individual rom zip files from the main zip/7zip file?
5. I will install and start-up CLRMAMEPRO. I will create a new profile by pointing CLRMAMEPRO to my mameui0.172 executable. I will then LOAD the newly created .DAT file and go into settings. I will set the ROM path and the SAMPLES path to the /roms and /samples subfolders for MAMEUI0.172
6. I then plan to do a REBUILD. Would make source folder my temporary folder where the unpacked (or single .ZIP/7-ZIP) rom zips are: C:\downloads\ROMS_V0.172. Will then make the destination folder my /roms subfolder for MAMEUI0.172. In a previous thread I have read something about making or setting the source folder as an add-path in the CLRMAMEPRO settings. Is this what I need to do to make the REBUILD work as I have seen nothing about this in any tutorial?
7. Hopefully if all gets REBUILT/COPIED across to my MAMEUI0.172 /roms folder correctly then I will then do a NEW SCAN and fix any problems.

Does the above sound like the right way to do this? When I played about with the REBUILDER option yesterday on SNAP file updates, it simply wouldn’t REBUILD/update anything from the source folder. Scanning anything in the source folder also kept giving me an initial error of “No Valid sets…”. Hence my question about setting the add-path?