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Thread: ZIN: Action RPG Project

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    Default ZIN: Action RPG Project

    I've been working on this for some time now, but I'm finally resolved to finish it. So far, I'm working on a basic outline for the story, finished the background stories for the 11 playable characters, and now I'm working on the background stories for the major npcs.



    Spoiler warning:
    After witnessing the gradual death of the universe, angels have decided that the only way to save existence is to exterminate the beings that harbor the most negative energy. The human race is on the list for elimination. Humanity was on the brink of extinction due to the Angels' crusade. However, three of the most powerful angels took pity on humanity and traveled to the mortal realm to prepare them for war against their kind. They taught the humans how to unlock their spiritual potential, thus allowing them to push their mental/physical abilities to the limit. This new awakening came to be known as the "Fruits of knowledge". Over time, the humans who rebelled were ready to face off against the angels who sought out to destroy humanity. A great war waged against human and angel. With the support of their guardians, the humans eventually managed to fend off against the angel attack. Humanity gave praise to their saviors and named their three planets after each of the saviors. The books of Z.I.N was later written which told the story of humanities struggle for survival and freedom.

    Over 33 thousand years have passed since the first spiritual war. The three savior angels vanished mysteriously. Humans' moment of victory didn't last long due to a new problem arising. The inner cores of the three planets have begun to lose a significant amount of energy. Left unchecked, all life would cease to exist. Humans adapted to this issue by using the soul as an alternative energy source for the planets. The governments that rule the planets assign various groups of people the role of being a human battery. These human batteries are placed in camps buried miles beneath the planets' surfaces. Their souls feed the planets' inner cores. As a human battery, their life span is decreased by 3/4 that of the average human. Some slaves lose their ability to use their souls as an energy source. They are called dead batteries. These slaves are given the chance to become a citizen by competing against other dead batteries as a gladiator. A dead battery can also gain citizenship by serving as a soldier or demon hunter.

    Now enter a young man named Rio Blade, who happens to be a human battery since birth. Lately he's been having a re-occurring dream about a beautiful woman during his soul draining sessions. One day, he loses his ability to provide energy to the planet's inner core. He is now labeled a dead battery and brought to the planet's surface. After having all the basic knowledge uploaded to his brain, he now has two goals. The first goal is to become a citizen, the second goal is to find the woman in his dreams. Things get complicated when a) He becomes a target of an unknown enemy b ) He gets sent to an unknown dimension c) The humans declare war against angels to settle the score once and for all.


    Character Profiles: (4/21/15)

    (Note: Many of the names are very weird and abstract, there's a reason for it.)

    Spoiler warning:
    Rio Blade - This is the main character. He is born a slave, but always tries to be optimistic about his situation. He has two friends in his life that he treasures dearly. However, things start to change for him once he gets visions of a woman. The more the dream reoccurs, the more he regrets being a slave. Before he can come up with a plan to escape, the slave masters tell him that he is no longer capable of being a human battery. He is branded as a dead battery and brought to the surface. Some of his potential is unlocked by authorities, and he sets out to become a citizen in order to find the woman in his dreams and fulfill the promise he made with his friends. Rio is a naive person by nature, the culture shock of living as a dead battery will make him mature as his adventure unfolds.
    Age: 99
    Likes: Animals, day dreaming, music, family life
    Dislikes: Boredom
    Hair Color: Blonde
    Skin color: Brown

    Alliyah Shae – This is one of Rio’s close friends. Like him, Allyah is a slave. Her beauty makes her a target of the more hostile slaves, but Rio and Osmond are always there to protect her. She is very shy and quiet, she only speaks her mind when the moment calls for it. When they were younger, Rio and Osmond would always fight over who would be her life partner.
    Age: 95
    Likes: Stories, love, peace
    Dislikes: Choosing between Rio and Osmond
    Hair color: Brown
    Skin Color: White
    Breast Size: Large
    Fighing Style: N/A

    Osmond Grant - He is the oldest of the three friends. Osmond has a strong sense of justice and does his best to bring order to the slave plantation. He is in love with Allyah and makes sure nothing happens to her. He and Rio are like brothers. Osmond shares his wisdom via fictional stories with Rio, while Rio entertains him with music. They made a promise that if one of them becomes a citizen, then that person will make a wish to have all three of them together.
    Age: 106
    Likes: Allyah, Justice and Order, Rio’s music
    Dislikes: People with dark hearts, moral dilemmas
    Hair Color: Blue
    Skin Color: White
    Fighing Style: N/A

    Tora Nice: A woman born on the planet Atlantis of another dimension. She's known to be a bit of a tomboy and has a tendency to attract trouble. Despite her outer personality, she has an inner graceful demeanor about her that she only lets a few people see. When she first meets Rio, she thinks he's a bad omen since he looks like her dead boyfriend Eli Bardo. They start off on the wrong foot, but will their relationship improve?
    Age: 19
    Likes: Spicy foods
    Dislikes: Demons, rainy days, being a burden
    Hair Color: Orange
    Skin Color: Brown
    Breast Size: Small
    Fighing Style: N/A

    Alex Knight: A demon hunter that aims to become a famous citizen. Like Rio, he is into making music. When he becomes a citizen, he plans to pursue a career as a musician. His drive to fulfill his dream makes him a great asset on the battlefield. He can be egotistical at times, but he has a bright personality that makes his comrades feel at ease.
    Age: 112
    Likes: Making new songs
    Dislikes: Writer's block, people who look down on him
    Hair Color: Purple
    Skin Color: White
    Fighing Style: N/A

    Eclaire Jakens: A lost souls finatic demon hunter. Her fixation on beasts alienates her from her collegues. Her goal is to categorize all the Lost souls of the planets and run a zoo housing them. Even though she is obsessed with lost souls, it doesn't get in the way of her resolve of accomplishing her mssions. When she met Rio, she thought she finally found someone who understood her passion. People say she is an odd ball, but she is also very kind hearted.
    Age: 104
    Likes: Collecting Lost Souls
    Dislikes: Anything that could jinx her luck
    Hair Color: Red
    Skin Color: White
    Breast Size: Large
    Fighing Style: N/A

    Victoria Iken: Victoria is a gladiator with dreams of becomming a citizen. Like Rio, she wants to raise a family. She managed to make it by on her own strength, but teaming up with Rio has made her abilities and resolve shine. Rio can't help but notice that she resembles Tora (at least in appearance). Despite her tough resolve to become a citizen, Victoria has a gentle personality.
    Age: 97
    Likes: Cute things, Motherhood
    Dislikes: Losing battles
    Hair Color: Pink
    Skin Color: Brown
    Breast Size: Medium
    Fighing Style: N/A

    Eugene Johnson: Eugene is a gladiator in a rare circumstance. He managed to be united with his older brother Eddy. They were both chosen to be human batteries since their parents are members of The Calling Bureau. As dead batteries they dominated the games. Eddy was the most talented out of the two. However, he became sick with an unknown illness. Since they're dead batteries, doctors won't waste their time finding a cure. Eugene's only hope to save his brother is to become a citizen. He prolongs his brother's life by giving him medicine he earns by winning matches. Meeting Rio for the first time gave him a glimmer of hope.
    Age: 102
    Likes: Caring for his brother
    Dislikes: His parents
    Hair color: Green
    Skin Color: Brown
    Fighing Style: N/A

    Tray Xero - An ex dead battery who decided upon his promotion into citizenship to remain a gladiator. Like Rio, he always dreamed of being a citizen, but once he finally became one, he felt he no longer had a purpose in life. Tray missed the thrill of risking his life on the fighting grounds. He is known to be the best gladiator that ever lived. His new goal in life is to prevent the other gladiators from becoming a citizen. For that reason alone, he is called the "Dream Killer". Tray looks down on Rio's naivety and vows to change his perspective to match his own.
    Age: 123
    Likes: Fighting
    Dislikes: Subtle settings
    Hair Color: Black
    Skin Color: White
    Fighting Style: N/A

    Sarah Valentino - A Citizen who sympathizes with slaves. She finds it disgqusting how they have to either spend the rest of their lives in a plantation, or risk their lives for freedom. Among her neighborhood, she is known to be an independant cool beauty who specializes in many talents. One day she got into an argument with a group of locals and the situation got violent. Rio happened to be at the scene at the time and helped her resolve the conflict. To his surprise, she wasn't showing any negativity towards him. From there, they formed a rare bond between citizen and slave.
    Age: 98
    Likes: Immersing herself in hobbies, Slaves
    Dislikes: The Government, prejudice towards slaves
    Hair Color: Black
    Skin Color: White
    Breast Size: Medium
    Fighting Style: N/A

    Nas Dromgnot - A Werewolf from the planet Atlantis. He and Tora have a history together and he ended up being her guardian. His sixth sense has been telling him that a great change will occur. When Rio showed up, he knew his intuition was correct. Nas is a happy go lucky werewolf, and has a habbit of calling women bitches due to his origin. He's also a bit of a prankster. Rio has a sense of familiarity whenever he's around Nas.
    Age: 607
    Likes: Bitches, Moonlight bathing
    Dislikes: Silver, Tora's Cooking
    Hair Color: Yellow
    Skin Color: White
    Fighting Style: N/A

    Ala Crud - As a vampire of Atlantis, she is the last of her kind. All the races formed a temporary aliance for they agreed that the vampire race was too powerful. The war lasted for years, but the aliance managed to wipe out all but one child. Ala was too powerful to kill. After witnessing her clan slaughtered, she went berserk and masacred half of the infiltry. The remaining half frightened by the girl's power retreated. They decided that since they managed to defeat the vampires, leaving her alone wouldn't jeapordize their victory. That was 1000 years ago. Over the years, her anger faded and she got over the tragedy. In repentance for not being able to save her clan, she sealed her own powers to that of a normal being. After living for so long without a purpose in life, she met Rio, and her destiny changed.
    Age: ???
    Likes: Blood, Adventures
    Dislikes: Garlic, Daylight
    Hair Color: Purple
    Skin Color: Brown
    Breast Size: Large
    Fighting Style: N/A

    Ula Crad - Ula is the ultimate warrior. In every battle she pushes herself to the limit and has never lost a battle. The strange thing is, citizenship isn't her goal. Like a tool, she lives to follow orders. Outside of the battlefield, all she does is eat, bath and sleep. She is anti social towards her comrades, but never forgets a name or face. Only one person has managed to catch her attention: Rio Blade. She cannot seem to ignore his optimism and radiance. Can Rio melt the ice off of this human machine?
    Age: 120
    Likes: N/A
    Dislikes: N/A
    Hair Color: Grey
    Skin Color: White
    Breast Size: Small
    Fighting Style: N/A

    Kent Maiheart - Kent is a soldier who may seem unmotivated and lazy at first glance, but when he is on the battlefield, he transforms into a killing machine. Not only is he strong, but he is also smart. He can accurately predict his enemy's next move just after studying them for a few moments. Other than his skills on the battlefield, Kent doesn't have any attributes. Once he earns citizenship, he plans to become a shut in and immerse himself in entertainment media. He gets along with most of his colleagues, but for some reason he tends to avoid Ula Crad. He doesn't understand her logic of remaining a soldier and wants to stay away from people like her. However, one day he ends up being stuck with her and Rio as a team.
    Age: 114
    Likes: Sleeping, video games (never played), action movies (only saw trailers and posters)
    Dislikes: Fighting, people who like fighting
    Hair Color: Brown
    Skin color: White
    Fighting Style: N/A

    Maiah Tenteri - An elf from Atlantis who is down on her luck. She failed her magic knight exam for the 10th time and is at the end of her wits. Just as she was about to give up, she meets Rio who encourages her not to quit. After a certain incident happened while they were in the midst of conversation, Maiah realized that Rio was adept at using magic. It was then that she started calling him master and wouldn't leave him alone until he taught her how to conquer magic. However, she is too dense to realize that she doesn't fail the exams because she can't master magic, but because it is too powerful.
    Age: 45
    Likes: Sleeping, eating berries, learning magic
    Dislikes: Demons, mean spirited people
    Hair Color: Brown
    Skin Color: White
    Breast Size: Normal
    Fighting Style: N/A

    [align=center][/align]NPCs Main Cast

    Angelise - Angelise is an angel who managed to escape from the USZ headquarters. However, she suffered major damage upon escaping and most of her power lies dormant due to the trauma. Rio spots her in a nearby forest and gives her care. After waking up, she realizes that she has found what she was searching for. She calls Rio the messiah and prophesised that his destiny is to save the universe from dying. Reluctant at first, he gave in and accepted her as a guardian. His only requests are that she stay out of sight from the public, and not hinder his goal to become a citizen. She has a bit of amnesia resulting in her not remembering her name or past. Rio gave her the name Angelise.
    Age: ?
    Likes: Rio
    Dislikes: Everyone who isn't Rio.
    Hair Color: Silver
    Skin Color: White
    Breast Size: Small

    Rex Yorat - King of the demons on Atlantis. He is responsible for reaking havok among human and elf villages. No one knows why he is doing this considering it was peaceful 4 years ago. Perhaps a conspiracy is in the works.
    Age: ?
    Hair Color: Black
    Skin Color: Brown

    Evira Talsnonah - Tora's one and only female friend. Evira has been supportive of her ever since Tora's boyfriend was mysteriously murdered. Her calm and collective attitude always keeps Tora in check when she gets too hotblooded. When Rio steps into their life, Evira was more surprised than even Tora herself. She dispises him with a passion and it seems to run deeper than just suspiscion of his character and motives.
    Age: 18
    Hair Color: Dark Blue
    Skin Color: Tan
    Breast Size: Average

    Tex Ignikal - A mysterious man who seems to have a connection to Ala.
    Age: ?
    Hair Color: Blue
    Skin Color: Brown

    Reji Kanscanel - King of the humans on Atantis. He gets advice of governing his people from the three oracles. Things have been hectic ever since the demon king Rex started destroying villages almost senselessly. Tora comes to see him every once in awhile to keep him company. To him she is like a daughter. However, things have changed lately. He refuses to let her come in his presence. Did the oracles predict something ominous?
    Age: 76
    Hair Color: Red and grey
    Skin Color: White

    Lucifer - As the leader of all angels, Lucifer receives direct instructions from the holy spirit. One of the commands he receives is to watch over humanity. However, that command changed when the great drift started. In order to save the universe, the Holy spirit commanded Lucifer that he control the sentient mortals to subside the negative energy that is affecting its functionality. He did as he was told, but three powerful angels didn't agree with his plan and stood in his way. He was forced to halt his mission. Thousands of years later, the Great Drift continues and many galaxies have disappeared. Lucifer lost all hope until he received word from the Holy spirit that there is another way to save the universe. What Lucifer plans to do, and how it will affect Rio remains a mystery.
    Age: ?
    Hair Color: White
    Skin Color: White

    Zeus - Even though Lucifer is in charge of the affairs of Angels, Zeus is considered to match his power. As rivals, they often fight over affairs, but it always ends up a tie. Despite their differences in perspectives regarding mortals and guiding them, he respects Lucifer and often lets him take charge. However, things changed when Lucifer decided to apply his logic in real time by enslaving the humans. Zeus felt Lucifer's plan had to be stopped, but he knew fighting him head on wouldn't work. He was at a loss of what to do until Nike proposed to him a solution. Together along with Ianus, they headed to the mortal realm to assist the humans and prepare them to fight for their freedom. After the first spiritual war, Zeus vanished. To this day, no one knows what happened to him.
    Age: ?
    Hair Color: Grey
    Skin Color: White

    Ianus - Ianus is a high ranking angel known as the "Beginner and ender of life". Before the spiritual war, he created and assigned familiars to other angels. He also served as an executioner, dealing with rogue angels who rebelled against the order of things. Since he favored the humans he was monitoring, he refused to participate in the cleansing. For the first time, he felt powerless as he watched humanity get annihilated. When Nike suggested to help the humans, he was the first to accept the offer. After the first spiritual war, he disappeared without a trace.
    Age: ?
    Hair Color: Black
    Skin Color: Brown

    Nike - A powerful angel regarded as the "Bringer of victory". She has an attraction for both Zeus and Lucifer, which led to a long, agonizing love triangle. In the end, Nike chose Lucifer as a partner. At first she couldn't be happier, but her ideals about the mortals matched more wtih Zeus than with him. So when Lucifer sent angels to enslave mankind, she broke things off with him and was the first to instigate a rebellion with Zeus and Ianus. After Spirtiaul war I, she helped rebuild human society on her corresponding planet, and then left to never return.
    Age: ?
    Hair Color: Red
    Skin Color: White
    Breast Size: Large

    Satan - An angel that became a demon after Spiritual War I. She rules the other demons and together, they wreak havoc to human civilizations. Satan believes that a balance between peace and chaos is what the universe needs in order to sustain itself.
    Age: ?
    Hair Color: Black/Purple
    Skin Color: Brown
    Breast Size: Large

    Lillith - Satan's lover and second in command of the Demon Alliance. Cold and calculating, she particularly has a hatred for men.
    Age: ?
    Hair Color: Black
    Skin Color: White
    Breast Size: Medium

    Graham Linnen - One of the leaders of the USZ alliance. He primarily overlooks the soul weapons department. He's the most feared and respected out of all the leaders.
    Age: 694
    Hair Color: Bald
    Skin Color: Brown

    Charlene Tibet - A leader of the USZ alliance. She is in charge of the slave plantations. As a true sadist, it was her idea to give slaves the nicknames "Human Battery" and "Dead Battery".
    Age: 455
    Hair Color: Blonde
    Skin Color: White
    Breast Size: Large

    Bolt Thinner - Head of the technology and research department of the USZ alliance. He is the oldest leader and made many contributions to the field of soul technology. One of his most prized foundations includes the practice of envoking Astral Armor.
    Age: 1010
    Hair Color: Gray
    Skin Color: White

    Sumit Bios - One of the leaders of the USZ alliance in charge of the training and combat department. He is a master of many fighting styles. Sumit doesn't speak much. He's so quiet, soldiers give him the nickname "Blankman".
    Age: 545
    Hair Color: Brown
    Skin Color: Brown

    Sugar - Sumit's assistant and the youngest person to ever join the USZ. She's bright, cute and energetic. However, despite her size, she is very tough. Normally it would take 25-50 years for a human's soul and body to be mature enough to use STS. Sugar is the only human known in history to have awakened at birth. Her parents sold her to the USZ for an upgrade in status. She was raised and trained more harshly than the average soldier. For some reason, Sugar only opens up to Sumit. The two are inseperable.
    Age: 7
    Hair Color: Blue
    Skin Color: Brown
    Breast Size: Small

    Pyrgi Etruscan - Chief of TCB, he broke away from the USZ years ago and founded his own military organization. However, it is recognized as a terrorist organization due to their hostile endeavors towards the public. Pyrgi is ruthless as he is stubborn. He will stop at nothing to achieve what he has set out to do.
    Age: 743
    Hair Color: Orange
    Skin Color: White

    Ginza - Commander of TCB. He and his wife Lt. Shaiva have committed countless attrocities to citizens for the sake of Pyrgi's cause.
    Age: 388
    Hair Color: Black
    Skin Color: Brown

    Shaiva - Lieutenant of TCB. After hearing the news that her children were sent to a plantation to serve as human batteries, her drive to end slavery intensified. With her husband, she gave up her citizenship and became a full fledge member of the TCB.
    Age: 360
    Hair Color: Green
    Skin Color: Brown
    Breast Size: Large


    Spoiler warning:

    -Sci Fi / Fantasy
    -3 planets: Ze, Ian, Ni
    -3 Dimensions: Mortal Realm 1&2 + Purgatory
    -The planets are named after the three angels that saved humanity from doomsday: Zeus, Ianus and Nike.
    -Story starts off on the planet of Ian.


    Spoiler warning:

    *BZ = Before ZIN
    *AZ = After ZIN
    *Average human lives for 1000 years

    - (50,000 BZ) - Angels arrived. The first attempts to eliminate sinful humans begin. Humans are forbidden to reproduce without permission.
    - (45,000 BZ) - Humanity is near extinction. Only the truly pious humans remain.
    - (40,000 BZ) - The three savior angels arrive to bring safety and shelter to the humans who want to be free from control. These humans are given the forbiddden fruits of knowledge. Upon recieving the fruit, their spiritual potential is unlocked.
    - (37,000 BZ) - The first war between humans and angels begin. The war was dubbed "Spiritual War I". The leaders of the three planets gathered together to form a new organization called USZ.
    - (30,000 BZ) - The first Spiritual war is over. Some Angels retreat back to their dimension. Other Angels form colonies on each of the planets. Humanity receives an age of peace.
    - (20,000 BZ – 0 BZ) - The three savior angels disappear mysteriously. The first scriptures of ZIN are written. The three planets are renamed after the savior angels. The savior angels' familiars scower across the planets to reproduce with other animals and each other.
    - (1 AZ) - Humans repopulate and rebuild on each of the three planets at an astounding rate.
    - (1000 AZ) - Three versions of ZIN have been created. Each version is based on the planets' experiences and virtues.
    - (1500 AZ) - The first signs of "Lost Souls" are spotted and categorized.
    - (1600 AZ) - The three planets' natural energy is dying out.
    - (1700 - 1900 AZ) - Some members of the USZ split apart as a result, it ends up being a neutral government. War breaks out between the three planets due to limited resources.
    - (2000 AZ) - A peace treaty is signed when the procedure of using humans as batteries to power the dying planets is invented.
    - (2100 - 2400 AZ) - Among the three planets, groups and alliances are formed due to the different ideals placed in the teachings of ZIN.
    - (2500 - 2900 AZ) - Civil war breaks out among the different alliances. The USZ remains a neutral government and does nothing to stop the wars. Dead batteries begin to emerge within the plantations. A system is built to deal with them.
    - (3000 - 3200 AZ) - The lost souls become a big problem among the three planets as they are being orchestrated by demons. Androids show signs of extraordinary AI that surpasses that of humans.
    - (3300 AZ) - Rio Blade is born and is registered as a slave.
    -(3399 Present AZ) - The second spiritual war is prophesised by fallen angels. The first sign of the great drift is spotted by scientists. A terrorist group emerges and reaks havoc among citizens. The main character becomes a dead battery.


    Beings (3/6/15)

    Spoiler warning:
    The enemies that the main character and his party will come across during the story are as follows:

    Androids (Mortal realm 1) / Cyborgs (Mortal realm 1) / Golems (Mortal realm 2)
    Demons: Angels that modified their bodies with Lost Souls.
    Lost Souls: The resulted offspring of wild animals and the three savior angels' familiars.( Mortal Realm 1 )
    Monsters ( Mortal Realm 2 )


    Alliances (3/6/15)

    Spoiler warning:
    These are the various organizations in the ZIN universe. Each organization has specific goals that they feel are important for their cause.

    United Satellites of ZIN (USZ) - This government makes up the combined forces of all three planets. Their main focus is to handle the knowledge necessary for keeping Angels from enslaving humanity. This knowledge includes studying captured angels, grafting spiritual scripts for stronger weapons/armor, teaching soldiers effective fighting styles, etc. The USZ is also responsible for hosting the slave plantations used to power the three planets' cores. This is the oldest alliance ever formed spanning thousands years in the making. After Spiritual War 1 (SW1), top leaders of the USZ separated and created organizations that satisfied their ideals. Some of these organizations are at war with each other today. However, the remaining members continue to work towards the greater good of humanity. Since the army only deals with Angel trespassing affairs, the army doesn't get involved with any civil wars between countries or planets. They do however hire any organizations willing to support their cause. They are secretly planning to start a second Spiritual War with the angels. However, they must first locate Purgatory. Once they do, all angels will be on their hit list.

    Fallen Angel Alliance(FAA) - These are lower ranked angels who fought with the three savior angels to protect humanity from their own kind. They live isolated from human civilization ever since SW1 ended. Many people fear that they will start another war and once again try and enslave humanity. Because of this fear, the USZ keeps close tabs on them. This organization only fights when being threatened by other organizations. Other than that, all they seek is acceptance from humans. Although there are some party members who violate the rule of never harming humans. The FAA makes it their duty to help humans weed out the bad seeds.

    Demon Alliance (DA) - These are groups of angels who like the Fallen angels remained on the three planets. Unlike the FAA, they harbor ill will towards humans. They do everything from killing them to raping them. Their mating spree over the course of generations is the leading cause of the present lost soul population problem. Satan is the leader of the organization. DA is in constant civil war with FAA in a struggle for supremacy. Their philosophy is that a balance of chaos and peace will save the universe. They use chaos as a means to keep the moral spectrum stabilized.

    The Calling Bureau (TCB) - TCB is a group of evangelists who actually collaborate with the DA by enacting in violence against citizens. They are against slavery and has made it their mission to end it. While their cause seem noble, their rationality for their actions are just as warped as the DA. At first, they weren't taken seriously and given the nickname The Crazy Bastards. However, the USZ had to step in when their actions started getting extreme. They turn out to be tough adversaries. The group is lead by an ex USZ leader.


    Gameplay Specs (4/13/15)

    Spoiler warning:

    -Characters and backgrounds will be cel shaded
    -Battle system will be inspired by Star Ocean, Naruto: ultimate ninja storm and God Hand.
    -3 characters in a battlefield at once
    -VNs/Eroge elements implemented in the game.
    -Multiple endings: Normal, 2 bad, and True
    -3 occupations to choose from (Gladiator, Demon Hunter, Soldier)
    -Customizable attack combos, skills that evolve after certain amount of use, team attacks (only acquirable by interacting with the party member, and successfully completing their quests [5 quests completed = 5 team attacks]), Soul Transcend Skills and magic (Only Rio can use magic in both mortal realms).

    More on skills:

    -ZIN Mode is a state that grants you access to special skills. When executing this mode, the environment slows down for a short period of time.

    -In Mortal Realm 1, Psychic power and science is dominant while in Mortal Realm 2, Magic and Alchemy is dominant. Psychic powers in MR1 is called Soul Transcended Skills (STS) as they were acquired by unlocking humanity's hidden potential. In ZIN, Rio can switch between STSs and magic slots by pressing a key or controller trigger. The rest of the cast are either stuck with magic or STSs.

    Fighting styles: Rio has a number of options available as to how he will fight on the battlefield. The rest of the cast are given a default fighting style.

    -Soul Slayer: Master of the Soul Blade and gun
    -Blade Master: Specializes in Soul Blades
    -Dual Blade Master: Uses two Soul Blades
    -Brawler: Martial Artist, fast and has the most combos in the game.
    -Gunslinger: Specializes in guns and cqc
    -Soul String Artist: Uses the essense of the soul in the form of deadly strings.
    -Pole Master: Uses a long pole as a weapon
    -Lance Master: Uses a lance as a weapon
    -Sickle and chain master- User of the sickle and chain weapon
    -Scythe Master: Uses a scythe as a weapon
    -Axe Warlord: Uses an axe as a weapon. Most powerful style in the game.

    Astral Armor

    USZ Military officials developed a way to harness the power of the soul and use it to create special armor that allows the person to successfully function and survive in space. They dubbed it Astral Armor. If you choose the soldier job, then the player will learn how to envoke Astral Armor and use it to complete missions in space.

    Classes: Classes are special titles that grant you certain enhancements and skills. When you reach a certain level, then you will be promoted to the next class.

    Lv.1: Slave (default class)
    Lv.5: Warrior (Acrobatic Evades unlocked)
    Lv.15: Psychic (Teleportation evade, STSs unlocked)
    Lv.30: Hero (Parry unlocked, More STSs unlocked)
    Lv.50: Soul Majin ( Chain combos unlocked, More STSs)
    Lv.99: Transcended Being (ZIN Mode shortcut input, Add elemental damage to attacks/skills, All STSs unlocked)

    Character Stats

    The strength of a stat is classified using a ranking system that runs up to E, D, C, B, A and S. Upon gaining experience in battle, you get Transcendence Points (TP). Use TP to improve your stat's Rank. Some skills can only be used when your stats are at a certain rank.

    -HP: Health points
    -SP: Skill points used for magic and STS attacks
    -ZM Gauge: A gauge for ZIN Mode. 3 bars and a reboot meter represents how many times you can go into the state and how long it takes to refill one bar.
    -Atk: The higher the stat, the more damage dealt from physical attacks.
    -Def: The higher the stat, the more resistance to physical damage.
    -Psy: The higher the stat, the more damage dealt with magic and STS attacks.
    -Res: The higher the stat, the more resistance to magic and STS attacks
    Spd: The higher this stat is, the faster your attack strings will be. It'll be easier to parry. More time in Zin mode is also added.
    -Agl: The higher this stat is, the better chances of auto evade.
    -Hit: The higher this stat is, the less chance of missing the opponent.


    A character's mood is a status that can either assist or hinder a character's success in battle. You can change the mood in numerous ways from talking to you comrades, taking certain items or dealing heavy damage to your opponents.

    -Happy (HP up, SP up)
    -Sad (Hp down, Sp down)
    -Angry (Atk, Def up and Psy, Res down)
    -Bored (Atk, Def down and Psy, Res up)
    -Anxious (Agl, Hit, Spd up)
    -Drowsy (Agl, Hit, Spd down)
    -Confident (All stats up)
    -Fear (All stats down)

    Status Effects

    -Poison: Drains player's hp
    -Stun: Player is unable to move
    -Stone: Player is unable to move, game over if all characters' k.o'd
    -Confused: Disorients the player's controls, moves randomly
    -Amnesia: ZIN Mode and special skills blocked
    -Freeze: Slows player's movement, ZIN Mode blocked
    -Burn: Drains HP and SP
    -Curse: 15 seconds til automatic death


    -Fire (Some spells may cause burn and change the player's emotion to Angry)
    -Ice (Some spells may cause freeze and change the player's emtion to Afraid)
    -Wind (Some spells may cause confused, amnesia and change the player's emotion to Drowsy)
    -Lighting (Some spells may cause stun and change the player's emotion to a random one)
    -Holy (Some spells may cause stone and change the player's emotion to Happy/Confident/Anxious)
    -Dark (Some spells may cause curse and changed the player's emotion to Afraid/Sad/Angry)


    In addition to acquiring team attacks, you can also obtain animated eroge mini games from the playable females. In order to get them, you must first get all 5 team attacks and successfully complete one final quest from the character you wish to have relations with.


    Game Menus (4/13/2015)

    Spoiler warning:

    Home Screen:

    -New Game
    -New Game +
    • Gallery

    • Mini Games

    • Adult Games

    -Cheat Codes

    In game menu

    • Basic

    • Specials

    • ZIN Mode

    • Soul Transcended Skills

    • Magic

    • Team Attacks

    • Weapon Appearance (not available for Martial artists)

    • Costumes

    • Accessories

    • Items

    • Key Items

    • Social Status

    • Telepathic call

    -Add/Remove Member
    -Side quest

    -Inner Thoughts
    • People

    • Enemies

    -Lost Souls
    -Non Living
    • Events

    • Glossary


    (Coming Soon)


    Glossary (3/12/15)
    Spoiler warning:

    Human Battery
    : A slave that is used to produce energy for the planets of Zi, Ian, and Ni.

    Dead Battery: A slave that can no longer produce energy for the planets. Forced to fight to become a citizen.

    Citizen: A person who is free to work anywhere and produce a family.

    Soul: A blank, immortal form of energy.

    Spirit: A soul with data retained from a mortal or immortal lifeform.

    Holy Spirit: A spirit that flows within the universe acting as a lifeline for it.

    God: A personification of the Holy Spirit capable of creating/manipulating time, space, matter and energy.

    Messiah: Humans next in line to become a Holy Spirit.

    Angels: A human categorization of divine beings that have the gift of universal knowledge, conscious thinking and immortality.

    Fallen Angel: Human categorization of an Angel that chooses to live in the Mortal realm.

    Demon: Human categorization of a fallen angel that is hostile to humans. They also fused themselves with Lost souls to make themselves stronger.

    Lost Souls: Monsters produced by the mating of the savior angels’ familiars, and common animals/plants.

    Satan: The king of Demons.

    Lucifer: The highest ranking Angel.

    Androids: Robots designed in humanity's image

    Cyborg: A human brain placed in a mechanical body

    Golem: A being created with magic.

    Universe: A dimension that contains finite or infinite matter and energy.

    Multiverse: A system of dimensions containing matter and energy.

    Mortal Realm: A Universe where finite matter and energy gets recycled into different forms.

    Purgatory: The only dimension where matter and energy is infinite in abundance.

    The Great Drift: The death of a Universe.

    The Big Bang: The birth of a Universe.

  2. #2
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    "-The planets are named after the three angels that saved humanity from doomsday: Zeus, Ianus and Nike."

    o.O since when was Zeus an angel? oh and nice use of a shoe brand there. lol

    overall, seems a bit of an odd setup to me but whatever, good luck and all that. maybe if it's released or theres any pics or something it'll make more sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by treos View Post
    "-The planets are named after the three angels that saved humanity from doomsday: Zeus, Ianus and Nike."

    o.O since when was Zeus an angel? oh and nice use of a shoe brand there. lol

    overall, seems a bit of an odd setup to me but whatever, good luck and all that. maybe if it's released or theres any pics or something it'll make more sense.
    Nike was a goddess a long time before the shoe brand existed.

    Spoiler warning:

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    Quote Originally Posted by treos View Post
    "-The planets are named after the three angels that saved humanity from doomsday: Zeus, Ianus and Nike."

    o.O since when was Zeus an angel? oh and nice use of a shoe brand there. lol

    overall, seems a bit of an odd setup to me but whatever, good luck and all that. maybe if it's released or theres any pics or something it'll make more sense.

    I'm twisting the religion folklores and centering them all on Christian concepts. Did you know that Pagans and Christians did a collaboration? In order to convert people to Christianity, they apparently made it seem as though the Genesis story leaves off where the story of Thor ended.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brian Clayton View Post
    I'm twisting the religion folklores and centering them all on Christian concepts. Did you know that Pagans and Christians did a collaboration? In order to convert people to Christianity, they apparently made it seem as though the Genesis story leaves off where the story of Thor ended.
    On the ground next to Jörmungandr, during Ragnarök? Boy, I wanna play this game!!!

    Michael Ballack, he scores free-kicks.
    He's got black hair, and he's german.
    Michael Ballack, trains in paddocks.
    in his spare time, HE FARMS HADDOCKS!
    Watch me play Super C, guys!!

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