A shiny new sub-forum created especially for download links. ;) Mediafire, Rapidshare and all your other favourite upload services are permitted in here. Post only clean links, no interposed sites allowed.
Everybody loves the old PSX. It has a assortment of great emulators available for it, and piles of excellent games. Come on in here to find all your favorites.
Got yourself a beast of a PC for PCSX2? Or maybe just a chipped PS2 ^_^; Then this section is for you. Check it out, we're adding new games all the time.
We've got piles of PSP games. They're super easy to run, fire them through PPSSPP on your PC, or hack your PSP if you prefer. Try them out =)
Gamecube games, get your Gamecube games. Feel free to upload as well :P
Nintendo's latest handheld system is flying off the shelves, and its roms are flying around the net too ^_^ Come in here to grab some.
While nowhere near as popular as the PSX, the Saturn still has a large following. Try out some of its games to check out why for yourself.
The good old Dreamcast, so easy to get into. The console supports CDRs right out of the box, and its emulators are coming along nicely. But where are you gonna get your games? Here, where else :P
A true paradise for the original Xbox games. Share and download your Xbox games and applications, this is the place to do it!
Proof any system can earn its way out of Misc, when given some sweet uploading ;) This here section is for NEC's little line of consoles ^_^ While here be sure to grab Ys!
Need to know how to play some confusing game you just downloaded? Or you bought a used game from Gamestop and they screwed you out of the manual? Then take a peek in here, we may be able to help you!
This is the dumping ground for items that don't quite fit anywhere else, or just aren't popular enough here to warrant their own section (yet!). In here you'll find CD32, SegaCD, rom sets, bonus discs etc...
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