In this forum you shall find various gaming music soundtracks uploaded to our servers.
Retro-sounds that are part of our chilhood :) a selection of the best tunes for the classic 8-bits Nintendo Entertainment System console is what you are going to find in this forum.
The Super Nintendo was known for the brilliant music that it's games contained. Over here you shall find SPC as well as MP3 soundtracks for some of the most well known Super Nintendo titles.
Although overshadowed by the Super Nintendo in the USA and Japan, Sega's 16-bit powerhouse was Europe's system of choice in the early 90s. This forum will help you relive those golden days by providing you with some of the console's greatest soundtracks.
While the audio quality in most Nintendo 64 games wasn't all that great due to compressed storage, (to make the tracks fit on cartridges..) the MP3 versions of most of the Nintendo 64 soundtracks show us that this was not true in all cases. In this section you shall find music from the Nintendo 64 generation of titles.
The Sony Playstation was known for it's numerous RPG's. Infact, even today, many people tout it as the #1 platform for RPG's. Well, RPG's almost always have great music, so you can already gather that this section shall be hitting some great notes. Apart from RPG's, it definitely had it's share of titles with great music (Metal Gear, anyone ?)
Nintendo's decision to use optical discs in their Nintendo Game Cube to store the data carried many advantages for the users, being one of them the improvement in musics quality. You can check it out for yourself in this subforum where you shall find some of the best tunes appeared in NGC.
The Sony Playstation 2 had many of the franchises that made it's predecessor a successful console, some of them in exclusive. Here you shall find the best musics those great games had to offer us.
This is the place where you shall find all the best of the musics for the DS family which includes the original DS, DS Lite, DSi, DSi XL and the 3DS.
The Playstation Portable is capable of cranking out some pretty boss tunes. Here are some of the best examples of ass-kicking PSP tune-age, available for everyone to download and groove to.
The most recent albums will be available in this section of the music forums. All the PS3, X360, Wii and even the most recent PC gaming music at your disposal.
Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Microsoft, they are all just a part of the most recent videogame history, but other consoles had their own and significative quota too. All the soundtracks for any platform not listed in the others subforums will find their place here.
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