Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: Mario Bros (NES) - Episode 4: Time for some Mario Bros on the NES. The score to beat is 71,430. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
VR Chat Hell: Episode 4 - Preachers, Satanism and Beaches: 2 videos, 1 day, kinda like 2 broads 1 cup. Been a long while since I did a VR Chat Hell video, but here we are. This time, debate religion, listen to a preacher and ask them if they know a disturbing individual. Enjoy!
Metal World Order: KISS - Creatures of the Night Review: Today's review I want to talk about Creatures of the Night, the 1982 album from KISS. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
Postal 4: No Regerts (PC) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show: I've used footage of this game for videos, I've even streamed a little bit, well now it's time for a review of Postal 4: No Regerts by Running With Scissors. Hope you enjoy!
Stupid Slang, Catchphrases, Just Bullshit - Heavy Metal Gamer Show: We live in a retarded society. Today I give my thoughts on stupid slang, catchphrases and cringe bullshit. Enjoy