A Nightmare On Sesame Street Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show: Starting the week off with a review of a game I found on itch.io. It's a fan game, mixing Sesame Street and A Nightmare On Elm Street. Developed by Dave Microwave Games. Hope you enjoy.
Iron Meat (PC) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer 6,666 Special: It's 2025, and today I check out Retroware's Iron Meat. A side scrolling tribute to games like Contra. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching!
Nuclear Throne (PC) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show: Today's review is a top down, roguelike game known as Nuclear Throne, developed and published by Vlambeer. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching!
Angry Angry Dad Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show: Starting out the week with a review of a game I found on itchio a while back. This game won the UE4 Spring Jam as well. Developed by Slapunas and some other people. Will it be good? Find out in the video. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching. Link to game in the description on Youtube!
The Spy Who Shot Me (PC) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show: A retro inspired shooter, basically a parody of spy games, or even a parody of Golden Eye 007. Developed and published by Retro Army Limited. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.