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  1. Metal World Order: Coven 6669 - Boneless Christian Review

    by , 20th-January-2025 at 15:15 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Metal World Order: Coven 6669 - Boneless Christian Review:

    Technically this is the 6669 Special, but also the last full length album by Coven 6669, although a new album featuring demos, and a few songs are releasing in 2025. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
  2. Coven 6669 - Out of the Grave - February 18, 2023

    Coven 6669 - Out of the Grave - February 18, 2023:

    One of my favorite songs from Coven is "Out of the Grave" from the "Blessed Is the Black" album. Here they are playing the song live.
  3. Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: Audiosurf - Coven 6669 - Iron Dick

    by , 26th-January-2019 at 18:18 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: Audiosurf - Coven 6669 - Iron Dick:

    To start off your Saturday morning, here is a little bit of Audiosurf. This time I check out the Coven 6669 song "Iron Dick" from the Blessed is the Black album. Hope you enjoy this video. Thanks for watching.
  4. Metal World Order: Coven 6669 - Blessed Is the Black Review

    by , 23rd-November-2018 at 23:03 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Metal World Order: Coven 6669 - Blessed Is the Black Review:

    It's Friday, so I figure it's time to release a new CD review, this time Coven 6669, or Coven's debut album Blessed Is the Black. Coven are a kick ass Seattle thrash metal band. Hope you enjoy this review. Thanks for watching.
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