Viewtiful Joe (Playstation 2) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show: In today's review I check out Viewtiful Joe by Capcom. A beat em up game, that at one point I never gave two shits about, even after I bought it a handful of years back at a local game store that has used retro games. Will it be good? Or will I still not give a shit? Find out in the review. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: Nintendo World Championship 1990 - Episode 8: It's been a while since I did a let's play episode on Nintendo World Championship 1990, so here is episode 8, will I be able to beat my score from episode 7? Find out in the video. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
Eggs For Bart Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Halloween Special: It's that time of year, it's Halloween, and today I wanted to try a game I never heard of, a fan game that has to do with The Simpsons. This is Eggs For Bart, developed by Fleebs over at and Gamejolt. This is a horror, collect shit type of game, in the vein of Slenderman, but with Simpsons characters and you are collecting eggs. I hope you enjoy this review. Thank you for watching and Happy Halloween. ...
Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: Tetris (Game Boy) - Episode 2: It's Friday, and a different schedule for releasing videos, so today I figure I would do a let's play of Tetris, back on the first episode, I did the NES version, well here is the Game Boy version. The score to beat is 21,904. Do you think I can beat that? Find out in the video. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
Bridge Constructor (PC) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show: Today I start out the week with a review of Bridge Constructor. A game that can be picked up on Steam and GOG. In Bridge Constructor you build bridges and see if vehicles, trains and more go across safely. I hope you enjoy this review. Thanks for watching.