Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: A Parking Story - PULL IT OUT, PULL IT IN!: A Parking Story, a game about parking a car, you know how that can be a pain in the ass. This is a game that can be found on itchio. Link is in the description box of the video. Hope you enjoy.
LEGO Batman: The Video Game (PC) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show: Been a while since I covered a LEGO game. Today I check out LEGO Batman: The Video game. This is the PC version, and the game was gifted to me a LONG while back by TheRoyTeal. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
VR Chat Hell: Episode 4 - Preachers, Satanism and Beaches: 2 videos, 1 day, kinda like 2 broads 1 cup. Been a long while since I did a VR Chat Hell video, but here we are. This time, debate religion, listen to a preacher and ask them if they know a disturbing individual. Enjoy!
Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: Carmageddon - Top Gear Thrash: Are you ready for over 16 minutes of splattering pedestrians guts all over and destruction? That's right, more Carmageddon and this time it's the race Top Gear Thrash. Enjoy!
Ascend: Reborn Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show: This review wasn't suppose to come out for a few months, but did some changes to what is being released and was dealing with some offline situations, so here is a review of Ascend: Reborn for PC. A free to play game by Outer Heaven LLC. Enjoy.