El Viento Review - Heavy Metal Gamer End Of The Year Special: Final video of 2024, this time I check out El Viento on the Sega Genesis, a game I've never played before. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for watching! Happy Motherfuckin New Year!
Heavy Metal Gamer Show Podcast - Episode 55: The final podcast and not planned for 2024. This one, it's a free for all, and there is shit talking galore. I also talk about Christmas, Christmas shopping, Wal-Mart, Farting in a gas station, then I talk about SilentRob, I speak more about the McCunty/TrashJT drama, I talk about Melanoma Mac and how she's dumb as fuck. Hope you enjoy!
Metal World Order - Anal Cunt - Picnic of Love Review: Did you enjoy your X-Mas? Are you ready for Valentine's Day yet? If not, then pick up Picnic of Love by Anal Cunt for your wife, girlfriend, incest relationship person, gay lover, ladydude lover, WHAT FUCKING EVER. Hope you enjoy the review.
Santa's Slay (2005) Movie Review - Heavy Metal Gamer X-Mas Special: Hey dickbags! X-Mas is a few days away, I don't release videos on X-Mas Eve or Day, so here is the X-Mas Special, this is the film Santa's Slay, featuring Bill Goldberg, and a bunch of no namers, except Fran Drescher...Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching, whatever you have planned for the holidays, enjoy.
Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: Carmageddon - By The Seascythe - Red Hot Chili Peppers BLOWS!: Final Carmageddon episode for 2024, not many left, this time it's "By The Seascythe. Should have this finished in 2025. Enjoy!