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  1. Heavy Metal Gamer: Duke Nukem 3D Review

    Heavy Metal Gamer: Duke Nukem 3D Review:

    First of all, I want to apologize about that damn cursor being in the way. When I was recording the footage, it kept staying there. Other then that, I hope you enjoy this review. A classic game on the PC.

    For those of you that are from the United States, Happy 4th of July!
  2. Heavy Metal Gamer: Yoshi Review

    Heavy Metal Gamer: Yoshi Review:

    The Heavy Metal Gamer is back, and I start out my return with a short review, but don't worry, July 4th, I got another review for ya. I hope you enjoy this review, and thanks for watching!
  3. Video Games Streams Could Cost You? Possibly

    You are probably reading that title and thinking. What the hell? What do you mean? Streaming sites are going to charge me to watch?

    If you take a few minutes and read this right here:

    It explains how you could be breaking the law for live streaming video games.

    Now, I just want to ask some questions to are government. Do they not have anything better ...
  4. GTA San Andreas Mods

    So far I only have the Hot Coffee and Real Car names mods installed

    Both need fixes

    I do plan on doing this but so far this is notes and digging round

    I need to fix bugs caused by the Hot Coffee
    1. X and A need to be replaced to L and R for the Schools... I.E. hit X+A to start to do a spin (actual keys but the game asks for L+R for 360 and A for all others when it should be R)
    FIXED This was done by hacking the xbox script instead of the ...

    Updated 11th-July-2011 at 15:58 by Zorlon

  5. Obscure Heavy Metal Bands Part 1

    Ok, it's time for a little music talk. What are some obscure or not well known heavy metal bands you know about? There are some damn good bands that are either split up, or just obscure and never get noticed.

    Tankard - German Thrash Metal band, awesome band, with awesome songs. Mainly about partying and drinking beer, most of their albums are quite good. They have been around for about 27 to 28 years, and these guys are not big in the Thrash Metal scene. They deserve 100X more respect ...
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