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  1. Metal World Order: Judas Priest - Firepower Review

    Metal World Order: Judas Priest - Firepower Review:

    The time has come for me to review "Firepower" by Judas Priest. Even to this day this album has not left my playlist, or anything I listen to music on, and that's a damn good thing. I hope you enjoy this review. Thanks for watching.
  2. Metal World Order: Venom Inc - Ave Review

    Metal World Order: Venom Inc - Ave Review:

    Here is my review of Venom Inc's debut abum Ave. If you don't know who Venom Inc are, they are the Prime Evil era of Venom, under a slightly different name. That era featured Demolition Man, Abaddon, and Mantas. Also a quick note, there is a slight mistake in the review, I called track 2 "Forged In Fire" when the track is actually titled "Forged In Hell". Don't know what the hell happened there lol. ...
  3. Metal World Order: The Future of Judas Priest

    Metal World Order: The Future of Judas Priest:

    To start out the week, I have a brand new Metal World Order episode where I give my thoughts on what the future of Judas Priest could be. This is just a opinion video, not factual. I hope you enjoy this video. Thanks for watching.
  4. Metal World Order: W.A.S.P - The Crimson Idol Review

    by , 23rd-February-2018 at 20:01 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Metal World Order: W.A.S.P - The Crimson Idol Review:

    To end out the week, I have decided to review The Crimson Idol by W.A.S.P. This is a concept album and the 5th album in the band's discography. I hope you enjoy this review. Thanks for watching.
  5. Heavy Metal Gamer Show Podcast - Episode 13 (Recorded Live 2/2/2018)

    by , 3rd-February-2018 at 22:23 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Heavy Metal Gamer Show Podcast - Episode 13 (Recorded Live 2/2/2018):

    So last night, around 10PM, I decided I was going to do a shoot the shit style live stream podcast. I mentioned at the end of the year that I wanted to do a live podcast episode, and finally did it. I guess you can say this is a test episode, but it is episode 13 of the podcast. I talk about a variety of shit, ranging from my channel, gaming, metal, and a whole shit load of things. Yes I was drinking ...
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