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  1. Heavy Metal Gamer Video Blog: Christmas Gifts

    by , 21st-December-2016 at 18:09 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Heavy Metal Gamer Video Blog: Christmas Gifts:

    Final HMG Video Blog of 2016, and this time I talk about past gaming Christmas gifts. I hope you enjoy this video blog. Thanks for watching, one final video to go on Friday with the Heavy Metal Gamer Christmas Special!
  2. NES Games - Heavy Metal Gamer Show Live Stream (11/26/16)

    by , 30th-November-2016 at 18:10 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    NES Games - Heavy Metal Gamer Show Live Stream (11/26/16):

    I was originally going to edit this live stream, at least the intro, but ran into some issues, so I am not going to mess with it, and reupload the stream in it's entirety. I hope you all enjoy the stream, it was definitely a lot of fun. Thanks for watching!
  3. Heavy Metal Gamer Origins: Sega Genesis

    Heavy Metal Gamer Origins: Sega Genesis:

    It was time I brought back the Heavy Metal Gamer Origins for a new episode and this time I talk about the Sega Genesis, my introduction to the 16 bit console. I hope you enjoy this episode. Thanks for watching.
  4. Heavy Metal Gamer Tagged!: Top 5 Nostalgic Games

    Heavy Metal Gamer Tagged!: Top 5 Nostalgic Games:

    I was recently tagged, and it's been a while since I have done one of these in a while. I was tagged by the Youtuber Big WIll, and his channel can be found right here:

    So I decided to tag a bunch of Youtubers in this, so here they are:

    The 7th Level:

    KovicPlayz: ...
  5. Heavy Metal Gamer: Turrican (Sega Genesis) Review

    by , 19th-November-2015 at 18:35 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Heavy Metal Gamer: Turrican (Sega Genesis) Review:

    It's review time, and this time I check out Turrican for the Sega Genesis. In this review, you will see me make an asshole out of myself because this game kicks my ass. But you might be surprised on my thoughts of the game. I hope you enjoyed this review. Thanks for watching.
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