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Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog

Just a blog to post my reviews, and random blogs

  1. Metal World Order: Mordant Rhed - Hatred of Humanity (Demo) Review

    Metal World Order: Mordant Rhed - Hatred of Humanity (Demo) Review:

    Today I want to review the demo from Mordant Rhed titled "Hatred of Humanity". Mordant Rhed is also a Youtube channel as well. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.

    Check out Mordant Rhed here:
  2. Metal World Order: Spiter - Bathe The Babe In Bats' Blood Review

    Metal World Order: Spiter - Bathe The Babe In Bats' Blood Review:

    Ending the week out with a review of Spiter's first full length album. If you like punk, speed, black metal with some thrash in there, you will enjoy Spiter. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.

    Spiter Bandcamp Page:

    Updated 4th-March-2023 at 15:22 by HeavyMetalGamer

  3. Metal World Order: Destroyer 666 - Wildfire Review

    by , 2nd-November-2019 at 16:31 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Metal World Order: Destroyer 666 - Wildfire Review:

    Ending out this week's content with a brand new Metal World Order review, and this time I check out the 2016 album "Wildfire" from Destroyer 666. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
  4. Metal World Order - Kömmand - Nekrö Kömmandö Attack! Review

    Metal World Order - Kömmand - Nekrö Kömmandö Attack! Review:

    I was gonna wait to release this Saturday, but I may have a busy day on my hands tomorrow, so I figure, what the fuck, it's time for me to release this review NOW. So here is my review of another kick ass Northwest Metal band known as Kömmand. This is their first full length album. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.

    Kommand Facebook: ...
  5. Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: Angry Varg

    Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: Angry Varg:

    Today's let's play is Angry Varg, a Angry Birds clone that was on You must knock down these walls on nuns. Nothing special, just gives me an excuse to shit on Varg. Hope you enjoy, thanks for watching.
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