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  1. Desert Of The Undead: New Frontiers (PC) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show

    by , 15th-February-2025 at 16:06 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Desert Of The Undead: New Frontiers (PC) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show:

    Today I am reviewing the game Desert of the Undead. Developed by TheRetroBro, and released on Steam, itchio, and even has a NES physical cart. Thanks to SuperMegaGrafx64 for the Steam code. Enjoy!
  2. Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: Tecmo Super Bowl - Eagles Vs Chiefs - Super Bowl LIX

    by , 8th-February-2025 at 16:02 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: Tecmo Super Bowl - Eagles Vs Chiefs - Super Bowl LIX:

    Tomorrow is Super Bowl LIX, Philadelphia Eagles Vs NFL Refs/Kansas City Chiefs in a 3 way. FLY EAGLES FLY MOTHERFUCKER! Hope you enjoy!
  3. Metal World Order: Quiet Riot - Metal Health Review

    by , 6th-February-2025 at 21:15 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Metal World Order: Quiet Riot - Metal Health Review:

    Brand new Metal World Order where I talk about the classic Quiet Riot album Metal Health. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching
  4. Work Manager = Dipshit, Kansas City Chiefs/NFL, HyattAmerica2 Is Angry - Heavy Metal Gamer Show

    by , 4th-February-2025 at 18:32 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Work Manager = Dipshit, Kansas City Chiefs/NFL, HyattAmerica2 Is Angry - Heavy Metal Gamer Show:

    This was recorded last Friday, but I talk about my manager at work being a dipshit, I talk about the Kansas City Chiefs and the NFL refs, and the BS that happens. Then I talk about Hyatt America raging, seething and crying about me pointing out he is a sicko. Enjoy!
  5. Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: WWF Smackdown! - Just Bring It - Royal Rumble

    by , 31st-January-2025 at 19:53 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Heavy Metal Gamer Plays: WWF Smackdown! - Just Bring It - Royal Rumble:

    With tomorrow being the WWE Royal Rumble PPV, I figure why not have some fun with WWF Smackdown: Just Bring It on the Playstation 2. Hope you enjoy!
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