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Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog

Just a blog to post my reviews, and random blogs

  1. El Viento Review - Heavy Metal Gamer End Of The Year Special

    by , 31st-December-2024 at 15:31 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    El Viento Review - Heavy Metal Gamer End Of The Year Special:

    Final video of 2024, this time I check out El Viento on the Sega Genesis, a game I've never played before. Hope you enjoy! Thanks for watching! Happy Motherfuckin New Year!
  2. Toxic Crusaders (Sega Genesis) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show

    by , 23rd-October-2023 at 17:19 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Toxic Crusaders (Sega Genesis) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show:

    Back from California, think I caught something, should call that state Toxic CrusadersCommieFornia. Here is Toxic Crusaders for the Sega Gensis, based on the Troma cartoon series under the same name. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
  3. Dinosaurs For Hire Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show

    Dinosaurs For Hire Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show:

    This is a game developed and published by SEGA. Based off of a comic done by Tom Mason. Dinosaurs for Hire is a 2D, side scrolling shooter/platformer. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
  4. Lakers Versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs (Sega Genesis) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show

    by , 14th-February-2023 at 19:03 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Lakers Versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs (Sega Genesis) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show:

    Valentine's Day? FUCK that, it's a brand new review and this time I check out the Electronic Arts basketball game. Will it be good like a lot of sports games around the time? Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
  5. Garfield: Caught in the Act (Sega Genesis) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show

    by , 12th-December-2022 at 17:58 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    Garfield: Caught in the Act (Sega Genesis) Review - Heavy Metal Gamer Show:

    Everyone like Garfield. So today's review is Garfield: Caught in the Act for the Sega Genesis. A 2D platformer that features the lasagna eating, nap taking, mischief causing cat. Hope you enjoy. Thanks for watching.
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