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Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog

Just a blog to post my reviews, and random blogs

  1. HMG Calls Grocery Store, Wants to Use Checkout Lane As Treadmill - Heavy Metal Gamer Show

    HMG Calls Grocery Store, Wants to Use Checkout Lane As Treadmill - Heavy Metal Gamer Show:

    This prank call was during one of my drunk streams, but apparently I can't use the checkout lane as a treadmill. Enjoy!
  2. DeenTV and MEEEEEE! Call Jeffy Hyatt! - The Hyatt America Phone Call Destruction!

    by , 7th-November-2024 at 18:32 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    DeenTV and MEEEEEE! Call Jeffy Hyatt! - The Hyatt America Phone Call Destruction!:

    If you were here at last night's stream, you heard the phone call, but the audio on fat boy's end through Streamyard blows. Thanks to DeenTV for the enhanced version.
  3. No Nut November Is SHIT!, Emulation Is NOT Dead & More! - Heavy Metal Gamer Show

    by , 6th-November-2024 at 19:17 (Heavy Metal Gamer's Blog)
    No Nut November Is SHIT!, Emulation Is NOT Dead & More! - Heavy Metal Gamer Show:

    New video, this time I talk about No Nut November being retarded as fuck, emulation is STILL NOT DEAD, big tittied bank teller and more!
  4. Old Dude & Snot Rocket Guy At Bank - Heavy Metal Gamer Show

    Old Dude & Snot Rocket Guy At Bank - Heavy Metal Gamer Show:

    Usually the bank isn't as entertaining as this, but this was a rare moment. Hope you enjoy this quick story.
  5. VR Chat Hell: Episode 4 - Preachers, Satanism and Beaches

    VR Chat Hell: Episode 4 - Preachers, Satanism and Beaches:

    2 videos, 1 day, kinda like 2 broads 1 cup. Been a long while since I did a VR Chat Hell video, but here we are. This time, debate religion, listen to a preacher and ask them if they know a disturbing individual. Enjoy!
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