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Thread: Gay adoption?

  1. #136
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    Originally posted by karragh
    my ideas on vengance(good or bad, it doesn't really matter which) are already set
    What a coincidence.

    So, yeah. Homosexuals are deranged. This is my last visit to this thread. The reason I didn't post my ideas originally was because I didn't want to get pulled into a debate.
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  2. #137
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    Originally posted by Vengeance
    What a coincidence.
    And what the hell is that supposed to meen, I was just saying he didn't have to be worrying so much about posting what you said.
    I am in no way responsible for the above post. It was my hand's fault. Bad hand.


  3. #138
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    I don't really care about gay adoption.. if a gay couple wants to adopt a child, then they can go for it- there are children out there who need people to take care of them, regardless of the caretakers sexual orientation.

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  4. #139
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    Horray!!!! There IS a voice of reason!!!!

    ...I have no idea why i just said that...

  5. #140
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    lol, I agree with engel! Who said "it don't matter if you're balck or white"? oh shit, shouldn't be quoting that son of a bitch when he's doing time for molesting a kid...
    Anyway, it's really biased to think that good parentage comes from just having a "normal" marriage, atleast in accordance to what we call normal. Anyone can make a good parent, if he wants to and loves his child and illuminates the house with a healthy environment. I would give anything to not have my father in my life, even if it meant my mother being gay...I know that's selfish, but I really don't see anything bad in it.
    A child is born and sees his father with another man and thinks "ok, this is normal!" But then it might shock him to see a straight man kissing a woman...that's the difference, if his parents explain their choice to him and make him feel loved and that they love eachother, then nothing can make them bad parents.
    Everyone here, who knows what it's like to come from a broken home/where your parents are separated, will know what it means to have a good home and it doesn't matter whether your parents are gay. When parents don't have a problem with their kids being gay (some and eventually) then why should children? I know it's too much to ask for from society at the level that it stands on today. But if people today are quite comfortable with nudity, kissing, touching or even teasing in public, then I can say that we are progressing and unanimity is a mere phantom in this issue...people will think I'm nuts or even a fag for thinking like this, but who cares? I've firmly believed that dissent is the voice of progress and if people don't debate on this issue then I won't have anyone to call a bigot
    Last edited by Dingy; 3rd-May-2004 at 12:13.

  6. #141
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    Let me ask you a question. How would you like it if your mother didn't exist and your father was gay.. say.. with his elder brother ?
    Bet you'd love that, right ? =P Go figure.

  7. #142
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    you dumbass, no wonder people think gays are mad, they are humans, you know? Of all the men on earth, why would a man sleep with his brother?
    Though personally, I think they're perfect for eachother.

  8. #143
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    Originally posted by Dingy
    you dumbass, no wonder people think gays are mad, they are humans, you know? Of all the men on earth, why would a man sleep with his brother?
    Though personally, I think they're perfect for eachother.
    ..Dumbass ?...
    ..You truly have proved your point..
    I applaud your intelligence.
    Last edited by MasJ; 3rd-May-2004 at 12:34.

  9. #144
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    sorry for the Dumbass...not meant in a bad way and was not required

  10. #145
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    I have no problem with gays adopting a child. I think it's great. Seeing as there's no possible way for gay men in particular to have their own child, as it is anatomically impossible for a man to get pregnant (IGNORE THE BOY-PREGNANCY IN FANFICS!!! IT'S NOT POSSIBLE!!), adoption is the best way to go about it. At least until we figure out how to do human cloning and gene manipulation, that is.

  11. #146
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    Originally posted by MasJ
    Let me ask you a question. How would you like it if your mother didn't exist and your father was gay.. say.. with his elder brother ?
    Bet you'd love that, right ? =P Go figure.
    Would you be happy if your father was married to his sister? It would be the same situation, except you'd actually be the product of that relationship rather than being adopted....either way is meh.

    1) Well, face it, I don't think I myself would like to have two dads. Would you ? Would you like to grow up without your mom ? I think a woman in the house makes a big difference and things aren't quite the same without her..

    4) There are other problems gay parents do have to face. In case they adopt a girl, what about buying her, you know, her puberty stuff when she reaches puberty. Thats' not going to be so easy...

    5) A woman (well.. most women) bring some kind of tenderness into a family and I think it's nice to have that around. Having just men would be quite silly. Also, having only women would be equally silly... so hum-ho..

    6) There are other unforseeable issues we would have to deal with as far as gay adoption is concerned and the first and foremost issue is that I don't think society is ready yet for it. Society is still not open to Gay Marriages, and homosexuality in general. There has been some progress in this regard, but it has been slow. Throwing upon them the issue of Gay Adoption, well, the reaction isn't going to be pretty.

    7) I myself think that two parents, both of opposite sexes and happily bound in holy matrimony are best suited for bringing up a child. I don't even agree to the case of divorced parents where one or the other parent brings up the child. Crappy system, IMO. A child at some point of time or the other needs either of his parents and well...

    1) If your parents were divorced or your mother was dead you'd grow up without her....Single parents aren't allowed not to have kids.

    4) same with a single dad and his daughter...
    5) same as above.

    6) Well, you do have a point here. But when slaves were freed (sp) in America for a long time people weren't excepting of them...Don't we need a leap in order to make progress? If we say society isn't ready now...when will it ever be ready? Seems like an excuse to delay things.

  12. #147
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    Originally posted by Xaenn
    Would you be happy if your father was married to his sister? It would be the same situation, except you'd actually be the product of that relationship rather than being adopted....either way is meh.

    1) If your parents were divorced or your mother was dead you'd grow up without her....Single parents aren't allowed not to have kids.

    4) same with a single dad and his daughter...
    5) same as above.

    6) Well, you do have a point here. But when slaves were freed (sp) in America for a long time people weren't excepting of them...Don't we need a leap in order to make progress? If we say society isn't ready now...when will it ever be ready? Seems like an excuse to delay things.
    That example only applied to my girlfriend. It wasn't anything to do with anything else. So I doubt anyone else will understand what I meant.

    Parents divorced, mother dead, etc. etc. Single parenting isn't the best parenting out there. Otherwise why would kids need parents at all ? They could just grow up in the orphanages. Single Parent != a Family. (atleast, not how families are supposed to be..). We're talking about having two parents, having a family to grow up with and talking about how complete that family is going to be. Otherwise it hardly would matter whether you're letting a gay single man adopt a child or just any man/woman/tom/dick/harry adopt child. Same thing with divorced parents, I doubt if you're divorced and living single an adoption agency would let you bring up a child, and I agree with their reasons, it's a totally different thing if you had your own child before getting divorced, even then they decide who gets the child, see it's important.

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