Muse Games is Bringing ‘CreaVures’ and Possibly ‘Guns of Icarus’ to OnLive

It has been confirmed that Muse Games, an indie game company known for games such as CreaVures, Bob Came in Pieces, Jetlan, Make Bouncy Bouncy, Guns of Icarus, and Elementia is working with OnLive to get some of their games on the service.

We asked Howard Tsao, Muse Games’ CEO if it was in fact true that they were working with OnLive.

“Yeah we are working on porting Creavures to OnLive,” responded Tsao. “OnLive has been great! I met Mr. (Chris) Donahue (Director of Publisher Relations at OnLive) at GDC and had a great time talking with him, and following up with the OnLive team subsequently. They’ve been very straightforward and supportive throughout the process, and they made the decision to distribute Creavures very fast. ”

So what is CreaVures? Here is the explanation given by Muse Games:


CreaVures is a puzzle-platformer set in a magical forest. You play as five different “Creavures,” tiny mythical creatures that each have a unique natural ability, to be used alone or in tandem to solve platforming puzzles. Ultimately your Creavures must travel deep into the dying forest to gather essence and restore the light.

According to Howard Tsao, “CreaVures will be the first game made by the Unity game engine, to be on OnLive.”

He went on to explain that the integration took a bit longer than they had originally anticipated, and said that they had to trail blaze the integration and API work.

When should we expect to see CreaVures on OnLive? According to Tsao, it should be on the service sometime in August.

We asked if Muse Games plans on putting any of their other games on the OnLive service.

“We’ll start with Creavures obviously, and hope to bring Guns of Icarus and Guns of Icarus Online (a current working title) on in the future,” explained Tsao.

Muse Games makes several very fun games, which OnLive users would surely welcome on to the system. Another question we asked Mr. Tsao was if CreaVures would be in the PlayPack, or if it would be sold individually.

“We’ll work with OnLive to decide that before launch, so I’m not exactly certain at the moment,” said Tsao. “We’re definitely excited about the prospect of a PlayPack offering. We just haven’t finalized it with OnLive yet, as I’m sure they’ll have an opinion on the matter.”

Tsao went on to say how much potential that OnLive has shown. While he didn’t see it overtaking traditional console gaming anytime soon, he did mention how he loves the idea of OnLive moving to mobile devices.