Quote Originally Posted by kaytech43 View Post
both models are a ps1 just one is gray & the other white i hate the slim model as i have said we don't call the ps2 a ps2x & ps2 slim.. also you have to remember that sony already created a psx & called it so it was made & sold in japan only then they aalso made a playstation or ps1. the resin n the original model isn't officially numbered is cose it was the first & by the time sony wanted to tryy & revive it they created the ps1 white slim one (i will never call it a ps one that's just retarded) & yes most ppl call the original gray model psx. further more when i say ps1 i mean ether model sine they both are a ps1. i can understand nes,snes,DC GC,..ect cose those are just the fitst letters of the console so why not call it the PS if not ps1 witch is what it is
Actually Before there was even a Slimmed PlayStation 1 EVEN Sony themselves referred to the Original PlayStation as PSX this is well before the Japanese DVR Hybrid.

Quote Originally Posted by Gare View Post
Bet you didn't see that one coming.
Gender doesn't surprise me and ive learned never to assume so ya im not bothered