Yep ^ that says it all

my first post:

Thread: Have you been shafted by ebay?
I must have bad luck i have been scammed on ebay twice now i bought a copy of final fantasy 9 pc version for $110 (i didnt know about emu's at the time ok?) and lost all my money! the same guy scammed 6 other ebayers after me and he has been reported 7 times but hasnt been banned! ebay just dont care even though i told them this was a criminal situation ie. should be reported to the police. in my opinion ebay is stingy they are willing to take our money but not willing to help out when things go wrong. i heard that 1 in 10000 transactions on ebay are fraud so i must be unlucky to get 1 in 10000 twice i would like to hear your opinion on ebay and if this is happened to you what did ebay do about it? coz they did naf all for me

Tut Tut.